So randomly at like 1ish yesterday I decided I wanted to take off today... since Fridays in the summer are 'optional' I got all of the necessary stuff accomplished, left work by 4:15, got home, threw a bunch of clothes in a bag, changed for the gym, went to spinning class... and was on my way to H-town right from the gym.
I was making great time until about exit 9 on the NJ Turnpike. I quickly tuned into New Jersey 101.5 FM (all NJ traffic every 15 minutes) and learned there was a car fire about 10 miles south of where I was sitting... and not moving. And I did something I've never really done before... I whipped out the Atlas that I keep under my drivers seat and began planning an alternate route. I figured there had to be another way. Even if it was a 35mph road with lights.. it would be better than not moving at all.
As I approached exit 8 I quickly exited and began my offroading adventure. In case you were wondering -- Route 130 runs totally parallel to the Turnpike. They were doing some construction so it was a bit slow at times - but it got me exactly where I needed to be. Maps really are an amazing thing when I just think to actually USE them. 130 actually took me RIGHT to the PA turnpike. So I even saved a few bucks because I didn't have to get back on the NJ turnpike. It was all stupendous really.
Finally when I was getting off the exit for H-town I was at a red light and knew it was a long one. Since I was meeting Fish and D at the OKP I thought it would be nice of me to change out of my sweaty, nasty gym clothes. So I grabbed a T-shirt from my bag and didn't think twice about changing my shirt at the red light. Apparently I should have looked to my right where there was a guy in a lovely pick up.... who rolled down his window (mine was already down), whistled, and told me to take it all off. Mind you I had this armor-esque sports bra on that covered ALL of my chest and even a lot of my stomach. It's not like anyone was getting a peak at anything. So I sort of chuckled, got a shirt on as quick as possible and continued en route.
At the next stoplight I took my capri sweat pants off -- but not to worry I had really hott biking shorts on underneath them. I didn't have enough time to put my other pants on top though... so I finished the drive in a t-shirt and biking shorts.
As I was approaching the OKP I saw Fish and D so I was looking for a spot and there was only one tight spot in between two cars outside of the Cheese Club (I threw that in there for any H-towners who might be reading). Being the Bronx-y driver that I am I figured I could fit. So I start p-parking in the spot when this old woman yells into my window 'Miss... You're not going to fit there, you better stop!' I looked at her, annoyed that she was telling me how to park, and simply stated 'Watch me.' Yes... I was being a bit cocky. But she was being annoying. So I easily parked, one swift back up (I do pride myself on my parallel parking skills) and comfortably squeezed myself in between the two cars. I threw my other pants on, but didnt button them and got out of the car.
So here I am, no shoes on (my flips were in the trunk), a crappy t-shirt on, pants unbuttoned, with a Dove facial clensing cloth thing attempting to 'wash' my face standing on the side of Darby Road. I looked at the older woman who still didn't think I was going to fit in the spot even though I was in it, parked and out of the car .... and said 'see? no problem!' Then continued dressing. I think she's scarred for life. It was rather entertaining... I must say!
The OKP was a lovely time though. We did a lot of laughing. Some scary older man attempted to hit on not ONE of us, but all three of us... too bad he was literally too drunk to remeber his name. It was a bit disturbing. But all in all it was a fun evening with the girls!
Tonight I'm hitting up UDSS's 42nd Street and then heading to MD to see Miss Arleigh!!!
Friday, July 29, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Scary Spinning Man
So last night at the gym I didn't plan to take a spinning class. But after my step class I had some wierd idea that it would be a good idea to follow it up with a spinning class. It was starting right then so I went in and got all settled.
Now, I haven't taken ALL that many spinning classes, so I'm no pro. But the guy that taught the class last night was FREAKY! First of all... he had little black spandex on. Which is fine... but they were WAY too small. I've seen many men in biking shorts (my gf does work at a bike shop... and its acceptable to go into one of them in just your biking gear... so yes.. countless men in biking shorts).. but these were horrible. Too short on his legs, and WAY too tight. I know you might be thinking how could spandex be too tight? Well... they can. Because he was literally BULGING out of these everywhere. It was a horrible, horrible site for my poor lesbian eyes.
But, I decided I could get over that.
So he hooks his iPod up to the sound system. I won't lie, I was both impressed and excited about his level of technology. (The other teachers all had mix TAPES... as in cassettes). So we start... and he has this really wierd techno-y song on. But more than techno it sounds like a song you'd hear durning a nasty sex scene in a porn. And scary spinning man has this really deep voice... and he had a mic on. Durning the porn-esque song he kept saying things like "Ohhhh yeaaaaah" and "Push... a little hard... thats it...." And it was creeping me out. A lot.
He also played 1 too many Madonna songs (4 songs in the 45 mintues were either Madonna originals or covers). And spoke the lyrics OVER THE SONG into the mike. All freakily and stalker-y. Not to mention when he whistled the techno songs into the mic. Clearly he's unaware that uhm... WHISTLING into a mic hurts my ears.
I think he thought he was a DJ and not a spinning instructor. Because he kept doing like crossfades on his iPod and at one point he started a song and was like... oh I think I'll play a different version of this song. So then he found the album version of whtever wierd song it was and played that. But before every song he would introduce it... and be all "First time ever here at the Livingston NYSC it's Madonna's Hollywood! This song came out in (fill in the year) and is on her (fill in the album).... ok let's pick it up! A little more resistance..." and go from there.
And to finish up the whole class... the last song he played was Thelma Houston's "Don't Leave me this Way." (the chorus goes... AWWWWW Baby! My heart is full of love and desire for you... so come on now and do what you gotta do... youve started this fire down in my soul... now cant you see its burning me out of control). I can't even do justice to the spoken word piece he did during this chorus. He was say "Aw baby...." right before Themla would sing it. All breathy and wierd.
So yeah... that's the scary spinning man. I said last night that I'd never take his class again. But I'm not going to lie. I might take it again. Because I couldn't really decide if he was creepy or entertaining. Because I did laugh to myself on more than one occasion during the class.
I think I might need another 45 minutes to decide if he creaps me out or just amuses me :)
Now, I haven't taken ALL that many spinning classes, so I'm no pro. But the guy that taught the class last night was FREAKY! First of all... he had little black spandex on. Which is fine... but they were WAY too small. I've seen many men in biking shorts (my gf does work at a bike shop... and its acceptable to go into one of them in just your biking gear... so yes.. countless men in biking shorts).. but these were horrible. Too short on his legs, and WAY too tight. I know you might be thinking how could spandex be too tight? Well... they can. Because he was literally BULGING out of these everywhere. It was a horrible, horrible site for my poor lesbian eyes.
But, I decided I could get over that.
So he hooks his iPod up to the sound system. I won't lie, I was both impressed and excited about his level of technology. (The other teachers all had mix TAPES... as in cassettes). So we start... and he has this really wierd techno-y song on. But more than techno it sounds like a song you'd hear durning a nasty sex scene in a porn. And scary spinning man has this really deep voice... and he had a mic on. Durning the porn-esque song he kept saying things like "Ohhhh yeaaaaah" and "Push... a little hard... thats it...." And it was creeping me out. A lot.
He also played 1 too many Madonna songs (4 songs in the 45 mintues were either Madonna originals or covers). And spoke the lyrics OVER THE SONG into the mike. All freakily and stalker-y. Not to mention when he whistled the techno songs into the mic. Clearly he's unaware that uhm... WHISTLING into a mic hurts my ears.
I think he thought he was a DJ and not a spinning instructor. Because he kept doing like crossfades on his iPod and at one point he started a song and was like... oh I think I'll play a different version of this song. So then he found the album version of whtever wierd song it was and played that. But before every song he would introduce it... and be all "First time ever here at the Livingston NYSC it's Madonna's Hollywood! This song came out in (fill in the year) and is on her (fill in the album).... ok let's pick it up! A little more resistance..." and go from there.
And to finish up the whole class... the last song he played was Thelma Houston's "Don't Leave me this Way." (the chorus goes... AWWWWW Baby! My heart is full of love and desire for you... so come on now and do what you gotta do... youve started this fire down in my soul... now cant you see its burning me out of control). I can't even do justice to the spoken word piece he did during this chorus. He was say "Aw baby...." right before Themla would sing it. All breathy and wierd.
So yeah... that's the scary spinning man. I said last night that I'd never take his class again. But I'm not going to lie. I might take it again. Because I couldn't really decide if he was creepy or entertaining. Because I did laugh to myself on more than one occasion during the class.
I think I might need another 45 minutes to decide if he creaps me out or just amuses me :)
My Peeing AC
So the past few nights I've been suffering through the heat with my little dinky window fan and a small fan next to my bed blowing on my face full force. When it's nearly 100 degrees out... that combo doesn't really cut it for 'comfortable sleeping'
See, I have an AC unit. I hooked it up during the LAST heat wave a few weeks ago. But me and my not so AC savy self installed it all messed up and it leaked PUDDLES and PUDDLES into my room. Not like a little drip that I could take care of... like a RIVER down the wall and onto the nice hardwood floors. So... needless to say I couldn't really use the AC.
It sat in my window through the all the heat this week and last... taunting me. "If you turned me on I would cool things down... but I'll also pee all over your room!!" Yes, that's what it was saying to me every night.
Last night I had had enough. When I got home from work and my room was 8 jillion degrees I risked the AC falling out of the window when I went to move it... I was so nervous. But I succeeded. I re-situated it in the window so that it was tilting OUTSIDE so the water will leak OUT of the window and not into my bedroom.
The funny part? It cooled off to like 20 degrees last night. I didn't even have my fans on ... nothing... just the window open. And it was cool enough in my room to use my sheet AND blanket.
But don't worry... the AC is ready to fire up whenever the heat picks up again. Because I'm sure it will eventually.
See, I have an AC unit. I hooked it up during the LAST heat wave a few weeks ago. But me and my not so AC savy self installed it all messed up and it leaked PUDDLES and PUDDLES into my room. Not like a little drip that I could take care of... like a RIVER down the wall and onto the nice hardwood floors. So... needless to say I couldn't really use the AC.
It sat in my window through the all the heat this week and last... taunting me. "If you turned me on I would cool things down... but I'll also pee all over your room!!" Yes, that's what it was saying to me every night.
Last night I had had enough. When I got home from work and my room was 8 jillion degrees I risked the AC falling out of the window when I went to move it... I was so nervous. But I succeeded. I re-situated it in the window so that it was tilting OUTSIDE so the water will leak OUT of the window and not into my bedroom.
The funny part? It cooled off to like 20 degrees last night. I didn't even have my fans on ... nothing... just the window open. And it was cool enough in my room to use my sheet AND blanket.
But don't worry... the AC is ready to fire up whenever the heat picks up again. Because I'm sure it will eventually.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
L Word Quiz
I won't lie -- I got Jenny the first time around, but I hate her so I went back and changed ONE answer... and luckily I wasn't like her anymore. And that makes me a lot happier. Because Jenny is a FREAK!!!

you are DANA! a little insecure about yourself, but you're sexy just cuz you got a bangin ass body! but you really should get some ass before you explode or kill one of your friends out of
Which Character from The L Word are You???
brought to you by
you are DANA! a little insecure about yourself, but you're sexy just cuz you got a bangin ass body! but you really should get some ass before you explode or kill one of your friends out of
Which Character from The L Word are You???
brought to you by
I'm destined to be a TRAMP
This is pretty funny -- Job Predictor
Here are my results:
Jeannie Waters: Professional Tramp
Jean Waters: Evil Boss
Jean Lee Waters: Monkey Impressionist
Come on... this is FUN!
Here are my results:
Jeannie Waters: Professional Tramp
Jean Waters: Evil Boss
Jean Lee Waters: Monkey Impressionist
Come on... this is FUN!
Aloe and it's Glories
I went to CVS last night and finally bought some aloe.
Man that stuff is amazing.
I took a freezing cold shower (literally didnt TOUCH the hot water), put some aloe on my fried skin (and by some I mean I slathered that shit all over), and laid on my bed with the oscilating fan cooling me off. It was so perfect.
Let's hear it for aloe. I plan on doing another aloe session tonight before bed.
Man that stuff is amazing.
I took a freezing cold shower (literally didnt TOUCH the hot water), put some aloe on my fried skin (and by some I mean I slathered that shit all over), and laid on my bed with the oscilating fan cooling me off. It was so perfect.
Let's hear it for aloe. I plan on doing another aloe session tonight before bed.
Monday, July 25, 2005
I need to spice things up...
So I've decided that my Monday-Friday life is pretty boring. I go to work, go to the gym, maybe hit up the foodstore... and that's about it.
So my goal is to do one thing that's not the gym or the foodstore everyweek. Even if I just go to Starbucks to read for a bit. I need to start doing things so I don't go totally crazy. Last week I met up with Brooke at Starbucks which was just what I needed. We talked for like 2 hours. It was nice to talk to someone new about life in general. On this week's agenda is dinner with Cotter tomorrow.
Just trying to keep things interesting.
And I'm gonna try to meet up with the old Millennium crew for happy hour one of these weekends. Cause I don't want to just read about the drunken fools from Meredith! hahaha.
So my goal is to do one thing that's not the gym or the foodstore everyweek. Even if I just go to Starbucks to read for a bit. I need to start doing things so I don't go totally crazy. Last week I met up with Brooke at Starbucks which was just what I needed. We talked for like 2 hours. It was nice to talk to someone new about life in general. On this week's agenda is dinner with Cotter tomorrow.
Just trying to keep things interesting.
And I'm gonna try to meet up with the old Millennium crew for happy hour one of these weekends. Cause I don't want to just read about the drunken fools from Meredith! hahaha.
So I thought Dan and Liz were gonna stand me up and not go to the shore Saturday. But they called around 11:30 on Saturday morning... and we headed for Avalon (exit 13 on the parkway... so waaaay the f south) around 1:15 and got there by 4:30. We hit plenty of traffic -- but I didn't care because for once I wasn't driving!
We didn't do anything all too exciting Saturday night. Had a nice dinner then just sat around and talked. My mom ended up going down too so I got to see her which was nice. Sunday I got up early for Church so that I wouldn't miss too much sun time. I laid out on the deck for a while, then headed to the beach after lunch.
Here's the shocker: I got burnt! hahaha. I put lotion on. I thought I was all prepared. But my chest and neck are a bit fried. Ooops. Everyone is commenting on it today at work which is always a good time. But oh well... in a few days it'll be all better. Doesn't hurt too much so thats good.
Tonight I'm hoping to hit up a spinning class at 6, grab a few things at the foodstore and unpack from the weekend. Then tomorrow I think I'm going out to dinner with Cotter (best friend from high school) who I haven't seen in a few years so that will be fun.
We didn't do anything all too exciting Saturday night. Had a nice dinner then just sat around and talked. My mom ended up going down too so I got to see her which was nice. Sunday I got up early for Church so that I wouldn't miss too much sun time. I laid out on the deck for a while, then headed to the beach after lunch.
Here's the shocker: I got burnt! hahaha. I put lotion on. I thought I was all prepared. But my chest and neck are a bit fried. Ooops. Everyone is commenting on it today at work which is always a good time. But oh well... in a few days it'll be all better. Doesn't hurt too much so thats good.
Tonight I'm hoping to hit up a spinning class at 6, grab a few things at the foodstore and unpack from the weekend. Then tomorrow I think I'm going out to dinner with Cotter (best friend from high school) who I haven't seen in a few years so that will be fun.
Friday, July 22, 2005
2 hours
Yup... that's how long it took me to get home from work today. Big accident on the bridge had the Cross Bronx being a nightmare. Then there was another accident on 280. But I got home. And that's happy!
I'm not at my Aunts doing some free laundry, picking up her mail, and watching TV. Gotta love it! This is totally the perfect Friday night... does that make me a loser? Cause if it does... I'm totally ok with it.
I'm not at my Aunts doing some free laundry, picking up her mail, and watching TV. Gotta love it! This is totally the perfect Friday night... does that make me a loser? Cause if it does... I'm totally ok with it.
Something that DRIVES ME CRAZY
So I sit in a lot of traffic. I'm ok with it. But I like to get the traffic reports and the best ones I find are on 880 AM (traffic and transit on the 8s) and 1010 WINS (metro traffic with the bridge and tunnel garuntee on the 1s). So I'm usually sitting on the Cross Bronx Expressway when I want to hear these reports. To make sure my ride home will be ok... or if there are any accidents/delays I can avoid.
So I tune into whichever report is going to happen first... and wait for the traffic. And I'd say at least 6-% of the time when the traffic report comes around I move up in the traffic to be under an overpass... AND IT GETS ALL FREAKIN STATICY!!! So then I'm stuck under the overpass for the duration of the traffic report... and have to then wait for the next report.
And that's why AM radio sucks sometimes. You lose all reception under a stinkin bridge!
Anyway... just had to get that off my chest cause it happens at least once a day...
So I tune into whichever report is going to happen first... and wait for the traffic. And I'd say at least 6-% of the time when the traffic report comes around I move up in the traffic to be under an overpass... AND IT GETS ALL FREAKIN STATICY!!! So then I'm stuck under the overpass for the duration of the traffic report... and have to then wait for the next report.
And that's why AM radio sucks sometimes. You lose all reception under a stinkin bridge!
Anyway... just had to get that off my chest cause it happens at least once a day...
Perhaps a Beach Trip
So I was all content and determined to stay at my apartment this weekend... but then Aunt Jan called last night in hopes of convincing me to go to the shore this weekend. When I told her I didn't want to drive she suggested I head down with my counsin, Danny, and his wife. They're leaving Sat morning and coming back here Sun night. So who was I to argue? A free trip to the shore? Bring it on!
So I just talked to Liz (Danny's wife) and she said I could hitch a ride from them. So my plan is to go home tonight, hit up the gym, pack, go to Aunt Jans house in Madison to collect her mail (and watch some TV), and get to bed. Then tomorrow morning I'll head to Jersey City to meet up with Dan and Liz and head to the shore! I certainly can't wait to sun myself on the deck all weekend.
And now I won't spend any money this weekend... because I'll just be chillin at the shore sunning myself.
So I just talked to Liz (Danny's wife) and she said I could hitch a ride from them. So my plan is to go home tonight, hit up the gym, pack, go to Aunt Jans house in Madison to collect her mail (and watch some TV), and get to bed. Then tomorrow morning I'll head to Jersey City to meet up with Dan and Liz and head to the shore! I certainly can't wait to sun myself on the deck all weekend.
And now I won't spend any money this weekend... because I'll just be chillin at the shore sunning myself.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
gettin my moneys worth at the gym
So last night I ventured out (thanks to my roomie giving me the push I needed) and took a step class at the gym. AND I LOVED IT!!! This is a whole new world for me... taking classes at the gym. Once I get over my initial fear of having no idea what the heck is going on, I seem to really enjoy these classes. Because it goes by quicker and its a lot harder to just give up halfway through (like I tend to do on the elliptical).
So tonight it's back to spinning. Good times, eh?
And that's my story for right now.
I'll probably post later. I stopped at Dunkin Donuts this morning and got some caffine so I'm pretty hopped up today!
So tonight it's back to spinning. Good times, eh?
And that's my story for right now.
I'll probably post later. I stopped at Dunkin Donuts this morning and got some caffine so I'm pretty hopped up today!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Spinning SUCCESS
I'm sure you were all quite worried about the aftermath of my spinning class. So I'll have you all know... that not only did I survive... but I LOVED it!
Great workout in 45 minutes. My unmentionables are FINE (thanks to some biking shorts) and I'm sore today... which was the whole point of going to the class. Though its my arms that are sore... not so much my legs.
Anyway... I'm going to try to hit up another class on Thursday.
That's all for now...
Great workout in 45 minutes. My unmentionables are FINE (thanks to some biking shorts) and I'm sore today... which was the whole point of going to the class. Though its my arms that are sore... not so much my legs.
Anyway... I'm going to try to hit up another class on Thursday.
That's all for now...
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Spin City
So.... Shell and I are venturing out tonight... and taking a Spinning Class at the gym tonight.
Should be interesting.
I think my unmentionables are going to be in a bit of pain tomorrow.... hahahahaha.
Should be interesting.
I think my unmentionables are going to be in a bit of pain tomorrow.... hahahahaha.
I'm taking a poll....
So apparently I'm not as savy as I thought I was and people are having all kinds of issues with the site. It's all fine and dandy on my little computer here at the FUV... but I guess it's not the same across the board.
So here are my questions:
- Does any of the blog text run into the links on the right on your computer?
- Do the links work?
- Are the links a solid color -- or is there some sort of fading action going on?
- Any other comments, complaints, questions....
Just trying to figure out what I did wrong... I can take the criticism (It's actually welcomed)... just don't be evil about it.
So here are my questions:
- Does any of the blog text run into the links on the right on your computer?
- Do the links work?
- Are the links a solid color -- or is there some sort of fading action going on?
- Any other comments, complaints, questions....
Just trying to figure out what I did wrong... I can take the criticism (It's actually welcomed)... just don't be evil about it.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Let the comments begin...
Uhm yeah...
Check out the comments.
Now you people better comment because I worked long and hard on getting those buggers up!!
Here's me all searching for this... but I found it! And it works!
And I'm such a proud little dork today.
Thats all for now....
I lied... cause it's not all for now at all!!!
Good lord... I'm so on a roll today.
I can't even handle it.
I'm now going to give myself a breaker from this stuff now... and go home. hahahaha.
Check out the comments.
Now you people better comment because I worked long and hard on getting those buggers up!!
Here's me all searching for this... but I found it! And it works!
And I'm such a proud little dork today.
Thats all for now....
I lied... cause it's not all for now at all!!!
Good lord... I'm so on a roll today.
I can't even handle it.
I'm now going to give myself a breaker from this stuff now... and go home. hahahaha.
how pretty??
Come on... you know you love it...
Arleigh got the ball rolling last night and switched it all up... and I just went in this morning and played around a little bit with other stuff. YAY! I'm such a dork... but I don't care. Because I just love it!!!
I still need to figure out how to get comments up (or I need to maybe persuade a certain someone to figure it out for me teehee) even though people don't like to comment anymore, and the archives are still missing.
But oh well... this will do for now!!!
Arleigh got the ball rolling last night and switched it all up... and I just went in this morning and played around a little bit with other stuff. YAY! I'm such a dork... but I don't care. Because I just love it!!!
I still need to figure out how to get comments up (or I need to maybe persuade a certain someone to figure it out for me teehee) even though people don't like to comment anymore, and the archives are still missing.
But oh well... this will do for now!!!
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Weekend Recap
Here's the brief rundown:
~ left work and headed to H-town
~ had dinner with Mom and Dad
~ hung out with the fam
~ headed to MD around 9ish
~ got there at midnight and suprised Miss Arleigh
~ sleepy time
~ attempted to ride but it was raining
~ went to MIKES for crabs
~ watched some tv
~ took a nap
~ went to Barnes and Noble
~ got home around midnight and went to bed
~ woke up
~ watched some of the Tour
~ drove back to H-town
~ showered
~ went to D's BBQ
I'm currently hanging out in H-town. Bud just left to head back to Jersey and my parents are away. I was going to head back tonight too, but it was pouring out and I didn't feel like dealing with driving at night in the rain (apparently I'm 84 and can't handle the conditions hahaha). So I'm just relaxing, watchin some TV and gettin ready to go to bed in a bit. Then tomorrow morning I'll get up and head to work.
Hope everyone had as good of a weekend as I did!
~ left work and headed to H-town
~ had dinner with Mom and Dad
~ hung out with the fam
~ headed to MD around 9ish
~ got there at midnight and suprised Miss Arleigh
~ sleepy time
~ attempted to ride but it was raining
~ went to MIKES for crabs
~ watched some tv
~ took a nap
~ went to Barnes and Noble
~ got home around midnight and went to bed
~ woke up
~ watched some of the Tour
~ drove back to H-town
~ showered
~ went to D's BBQ
I'm currently hanging out in H-town. Bud just left to head back to Jersey and my parents are away. I was going to head back tonight too, but it was pouring out and I didn't feel like dealing with driving at night in the rain (apparently I'm 84 and can't handle the conditions hahaha). So I'm just relaxing, watchin some TV and gettin ready to go to bed in a bit. Then tomorrow morning I'll get up and head to work.
Hope everyone had as good of a weekend as I did!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Beach, Wedding, Chuck-E-Cheese
Lots of updated pictures.... have a looksy here!!

Pictures at the shore of July 4th weekend...

And Greggle's birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese....
You know you love it :)
Pictures at the shore of July 4th weekend...
And Greggle's birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese....
You know you love it :)
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Oh la la... c'est Bastille Day!!!
So yesterday was Bastille Day... for those of you who weren't lucky enough to take Francais in High School/College... it's basically France's 4th of July. And well... I felt the need to share my only Bastille Day story with all of you at this time.
So here goes:
So my cousin was spending the summer in France studying at NYU en Pairs. And I was going to visit her for a week. My Aunt gave me my cousins address and info so I could just take a cab from the airport to her place. Awesome. So I fly in (on Bastille Day), get myself a cab and somehow tell the cabbie that I need to go to 55 Rue de Passy (about 7 years later and I still remeber the freakin address). So I get there to find out it's the freakin place that my cousins has classes... not so much where she's staying. So I start asking people "Je m'exuse...." etc etc trying to find out if ANYONE knows anything about the NYU in paris students and where they are staying. No one has a clue (and that may be in part because of my horrid Frenglais). And of course even though it's a weekday -- the offices are closed because it's freakin Bastille day, and everyone is out celebrating. So... ok... I have a phone number for my cousin. Whew. I find a pay phone. But you need a freakin phone card... there is no other way to call someone using coins. Crap. So I try to find a phone card for sale... and it's not all that easy. Someone informed me that I might be able to get one at le Metro station. So me and my luggage start looking for a Metro stop. Lucky for me -- som REALLY nice man (wearing painting stuff and carrying a bucket of paint... randomly) asked me what was wrong (as I clearly looked distressed) and in broken French I told him that I was lost and couldn't find my cousin and needed to call her but didn't have a card. He graciously gave me a phone card and told me to keep it... there was only a few francs left on it (this was before the euro... ah the days). So I call the number. And I ask in my best french "Je voudrais parler avec ANNIE FIGENSHU." (or something along those lines) Now that last name gets mixed up in english... let alone with a language barrier. They told me repetedly I had the wrong number and no Annie Figneshus had a room there.
So then I went back to the NYU in Paris classroom area and sat outside in the courtyard for an hour or so hoping someone would magically find me. They didn't. But there was a woman who told me that some students stayed in Paris on Le Bouldevard Saint Germaine. And that I might want to head there and just ask around. (which was a 25 minute cab ride from where I was). But I had better ideas, so I got another cab. And I told him "Le Boulevard Saint Germain s'il vous plait." He kept asking me WHERE on le Blvd St. Germaine. And I didn't know where... he took out a map and made me show him. So I picked a random spot and hoped for the best. Mind you this would be like going to Broadway in NYC and asking if people knew where the Sorbonne in NYC students were staying. Or something as bizarre as that. Like anyones gonna freakin know. So I get there... and theres a freakin HUGE parade for Bastille day down le boulevard saint germaine. With like the French army, and tanks, and flags and floats and all kinds of stuff. People were lining the streets with their Frnech flags enjoying the holiday. And there I am, walking around with my luggage, asking for the NYU in Paris students. No one knows anything... So I figured I'd get some money and just check into a hotel. I went to the nearest ATM and went to make a withdrawl. Apparently my ATM card - that my bank PROMISED me would work oversees - didn't. So I had about 100 bucks in francs from my birthday (whatever that added up to in francs I don't remember. I went into a few hotels to see how much a room was for the night -- and naturally they were all in the heart of Paris on a holiday weekend... so they were like 200 bucks. I was royally f'ed. I didn't have a credit card because it was back in the day. Awesome. So finally I pass by a little hotel, I go in and ask how much it is for a night. It was the EXACT amount that I had for one night. I said GREAT. And checked in. Went to my room, called my mom collect and broke down in tears because I was stuck in Paris with no money and couldn't find my cousin. It was horrible.
Luckily my cousin had called my Aunt who talked to my mom and we got everything situated. My mom told my Aunt where I was and my Aunt called my cousins and told her to go get me. It ended up that I was only like 6 blocks from where she was staying.. but it was a pretty shitty first day in Paris. Because from when I got off the plane until my cousin found me was about a 9 hour time-span. And I was jett lagged. And had my huge bag - which gave my all sorts of blisters on my hands the funny part?
The really funny part is that my other cousin, Stevie came 4 days later to hang out. And he
did the SAME thing. Except he just slept outside the NYU school until morning when my cousin figured thats where he was so she went to get him. hahahah.
And that... is the story of me in Paris on Bastille Day.... arent' you glad I shared???
So here goes:
So my cousin was spending the summer in France studying at NYU en Pairs. And I was going to visit her for a week. My Aunt gave me my cousins address and info so I could just take a cab from the airport to her place. Awesome. So I fly in (on Bastille Day), get myself a cab and somehow tell the cabbie that I need to go to 55 Rue de Passy (about 7 years later and I still remeber the freakin address). So I get there to find out it's the freakin place that my cousins has classes... not so much where she's staying. So I start asking people "Je m'exuse...." etc etc trying to find out if ANYONE knows anything about the NYU in paris students and where they are staying. No one has a clue (and that may be in part because of my horrid Frenglais). And of course even though it's a weekday -- the offices are closed because it's freakin Bastille day, and everyone is out celebrating. So... ok... I have a phone number for my cousin. Whew. I find a pay phone. But you need a freakin phone card... there is no other way to call someone using coins. Crap. So I try to find a phone card for sale... and it's not all that easy. Someone informed me that I might be able to get one at le Metro station. So me and my luggage start looking for a Metro stop. Lucky for me -- som REALLY nice man (wearing painting stuff and carrying a bucket of paint... randomly) asked me what was wrong (as I clearly looked distressed) and in broken French I told him that I was lost and couldn't find my cousin and needed to call her but didn't have a card. He graciously gave me a phone card and told me to keep it... there was only a few francs left on it (this was before the euro... ah the days). So I call the number. And I ask in my best french "Je voudrais parler avec ANNIE FIGENSHU." (or something along those lines) Now that last name gets mixed up in english... let alone with a language barrier. They told me repetedly I had the wrong number and no Annie Figneshus had a room there.
So then I went back to the NYU in Paris classroom area and sat outside in the courtyard for an hour or so hoping someone would magically find me. They didn't. But there was a woman who told me that some students stayed in Paris on Le Bouldevard Saint Germaine. And that I might want to head there and just ask around. (which was a 25 minute cab ride from where I was). But I had better ideas, so I got another cab. And I told him "Le Boulevard Saint Germain s'il vous plait." He kept asking me WHERE on le Blvd St. Germaine. And I didn't know where... he took out a map and made me show him. So I picked a random spot and hoped for the best. Mind you this would be like going to Broadway in NYC and asking if people knew where the Sorbonne in NYC students were staying. Or something as bizarre as that. Like anyones gonna freakin know. So I get there... and theres a freakin HUGE parade for Bastille day down le boulevard saint germaine. With like the French army, and tanks, and flags and floats and all kinds of stuff. People were lining the streets with their Frnech flags enjoying the holiday. And there I am, walking around with my luggage, asking for the NYU in Paris students. No one knows anything... So I figured I'd get some money and just check into a hotel. I went to the nearest ATM and went to make a withdrawl. Apparently my ATM card - that my bank PROMISED me would work oversees - didn't. So I had about 100 bucks in francs from my birthday (whatever that added up to in francs I don't remember. I went into a few hotels to see how much a room was for the night -- and naturally they were all in the heart of Paris on a holiday weekend... so they were like 200 bucks. I was royally f'ed. I didn't have a credit card because it was back in the day. Awesome. So finally I pass by a little hotel, I go in and ask how much it is for a night. It was the EXACT amount that I had for one night. I said GREAT. And checked in. Went to my room, called my mom collect and broke down in tears because I was stuck in Paris with no money and couldn't find my cousin. It was horrible.
Luckily my cousin had called my Aunt who talked to my mom and we got everything situated. My mom told my Aunt where I was and my Aunt called my cousins and told her to go get me. It ended up that I was only like 6 blocks from where she was staying.. but it was a pretty shitty first day in Paris. Because from when I got off the plane until my cousin found me was about a 9 hour time-span. And I was jett lagged. And had my huge bag - which gave my all sorts of blisters on my hands the funny part?
The really funny part is that my other cousin, Stevie came 4 days later to hang out. And he
did the SAME thing. Except he just slept outside the NYU school until morning when my cousin figured thats where he was so she went to get him. hahahah.
And that... is the story of me in Paris on Bastille Day.... arent' you glad I shared???
Hey... I know I've been MIA. But hey... what are ya gonna do. Things have been a little bit crazy.
I finally have a roommate again, so that's fun. Shell has been all over the place the past few weeks with Jim and her sister's wedding, so it's nice to have a roomie again.
Tonight I'm hoping to get to the gym.
Have dinner.
Pack for the weekend.
Watch a movie (that I rented last week)
Then my weekend is still a bit up in the air but here's the tentative plan:
Fri go to H-town after work and hang out there for the night
Sat head to MD to ride with Ar and stuffs
Sun head abck to H-town for D's BBQ!!! I love BBQs so I'm quite excited about it. Then I'll probably head back to Jersey either Sun night or go straight to work Mon morning. Who knows?
I can't believe it's already the middle of July. This summer is FLYING! I don't like it one bit!!
I also have pictures that I'm hoping to get up this weekend. So be excited. They're from 4th of July at the shore, the wedding last weekend, and Greg's suprise party at Chuck-E-Cheese.... and hopefully some more from the weekend!
I finally have a roommate again, so that's fun. Shell has been all over the place the past few weeks with Jim and her sister's wedding, so it's nice to have a roomie again.
Tonight I'm hoping to get to the gym.
Have dinner.
Pack for the weekend.
Watch a movie (that I rented last week)
Then my weekend is still a bit up in the air but here's the tentative plan:
Fri go to H-town after work and hang out there for the night
Sat head to MD to ride with Ar and stuffs
Sun head abck to H-town for D's BBQ!!! I love BBQs so I'm quite excited about it. Then I'll probably head back to Jersey either Sun night or go straight to work Mon morning. Who knows?
I can't believe it's already the middle of July. This summer is FLYING! I don't like it one bit!!
I also have pictures that I'm hoping to get up this weekend. So be excited. They're from 4th of July at the shore, the wedding last weekend, and Greg's suprise party at Chuck-E-Cheese.... and hopefully some more from the weekend!
Friday, July 8, 2005
MS 150... its creepin up
So yesterday in the mail I got the MS 150 training magazine. Eekads. It's close! And I certainly haven't been on my bike nearly enough this summer. So it's time for me to get my ass in action. I need to find a place that I can ride in NJ. I'm all set for the weekends in H-town, but I'm going ot have to start doing 10 or so miles a day during the week. So that's my goal. But if I can't find anything I figure I'll go to the gym and do stuff there. We'll see how it plans out. But I refuse to get my ass kicked this year!!!
Other than that not too much exciting is going on. I'm headin to Havertown this weekend. Hopein to ride in the mornings and get some SUN. Thats really the only plan as of now. Hopin to get out of work by 1ish today! Here's hopin!
Other than that not too much exciting is going on. I'm headin to Havertown this weekend. Hopein to ride in the mornings and get some SUN. Thats really the only plan as of now. Hopin to get out of work by 1ish today! Here's hopin!
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Snap Back to Reality
So.... the weekend at the shore was QUITE nice. A little bit crazy what with the whole fam there and stuff... but either way I still had plenty of fun.
- hitting no traffic Fri
- going to the Beach with D and Bizzle when they arrived on Friday
- watching Aladin ... even after Bizzle went to bed!!
- listening to the Aladin soundtrack in D's car on the way to and from the beach
- going out to breakfast Sat morning
- MORE BEACH TIME on Saturday
- Ar calling to tell me she was coming with my parents Sat night and staying through til Tues morning!!!
- BBQs for dinner
- corn on the cob
- Stevie bringing mass to the house
- Cuddle time with Ar
- Riding Sun with my dad and Ar and Mon with Ar and Cookie
- playing board games
I'm sure theres TONS more of highlights... but that should suffice for now
- not getting home til around 1am on Mon night
- sunburn
- being overwhelmed by my family (shocking I know)
- not hitting up Avalon Freeze
Anyway... it's already Wednesday so that's exciting! I'm heading to H-town this weekend. Sat I'm hoping to get to Tracy's wedding at SDS to see everyone in their pretty clothes. Who knows what the rest of the weekend will bring!
Ok... back to work I go for real :)
- hitting no traffic Fri
- going to the Beach with D and Bizzle when they arrived on Friday
- watching Aladin ... even after Bizzle went to bed!!
- listening to the Aladin soundtrack in D's car on the way to and from the beach
- going out to breakfast Sat morning
- MORE BEACH TIME on Saturday
- Ar calling to tell me she was coming with my parents Sat night and staying through til Tues morning!!!
- BBQs for dinner
- corn on the cob
- Stevie bringing mass to the house
- Cuddle time with Ar
- Riding Sun with my dad and Ar and Mon with Ar and Cookie
- playing board games
I'm sure theres TONS more of highlights... but that should suffice for now
- not getting home til around 1am on Mon night
- sunburn
- being overwhelmed by my family (shocking I know)
- not hitting up Avalon Freeze
Anyway... it's already Wednesday so that's exciting! I'm heading to H-town this weekend. Sat I'm hoping to get to Tracy's wedding at SDS to see everyone in their pretty clothes. Who knows what the rest of the weekend will bring!
Ok... back to work I go for real :)
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