Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Working Late

So I'm not really working late... I'm just working the Richard Thompson show tonight in the city. I'm just annoyed because I didn't dress for cold weather... and its ass cold out there today. Silly me looked out the window this morning, saw the sun shining and figured it was nice out. So I just wore my vest. But uhhh it's cold. And I'll be walking around the city all freezing cold. Oh well. I'm thinking that justifies a starbucks stop!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

I can see!!

It's true. I can officially see without glasses or contacts. It's all quite crazy.

The surgey itself is pretty f'in freaky. The laser doesn't hurt at all... it's more the eye clamps and stuff that is uncomfortable. The valium helps a bit, but its about as scary as when I went sky diving. Only sky diving ended up being fun... and this wasn't as much fun. But its 15 minutes of being terrified... and then its done.

I came home and pretty much went right to sleep as thats the best healer. And I've been doing all sorts of drops every two hours and all that jazz.

At my follow-up on Friday my right eye was perfecto -- 20/20. My right eye is just shy of 20/20... but will get better as it heals. But I can most certainly see fine! My eyes are still a bit scratchy so that is a bit annoyting, but it just feels like I fell asleep with my contacts in and theyre all dry. Its more annoying than painful.

I'm still at Aunt Jans, but will be returning to West Orange tonight. I might go to a concert with her and ReRe tonight because they have an extra ticket, but we'll see if I feel up to it. I am still recovering from surgery you know!

Anyway... thats all for now

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Loving Fall

I'm totally loving fall this week. I just had the best apple at lunch. I'm making soup tonight. I got ginger snaps at the foodstore. I got all of my winter clothes from home this weekend. I've been wearing my black down vest these days. And it's been sunny! Pumpkins are all over the place and it's just pretty.

Last night I even had a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks. Delish. Totally hit the seasonal spot.

And... only two more days of wearing glasses! I'm a bit nervous for the surgery, but I hear its painless... and they gave me a valium to take before hand. So I'm thinking I'll be ok.

Only one more day of work this week too!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Three Day Work Week

I'm out on Thursday and Friday because of my LASIK!!!! So I only have to work three days this week. YAY FOR THAT!

And thats all I have to say about that :)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Another weekend check in

It's already Sunday. This weekend really flew by. Crazy I tell you! Friday I drove home to H-town and brought Cotter home too, so that was fun. It took us just about 4 hours... but it was really nice to have company so I won't complain.

Then yesterday I ran a bunch of errands and decided to suprise Ar with a visit. I got there right as the shop was closing and then we went to dinner. She was exhausted, so we didn't do anything else as we finished dinner around 9ish.

This morning I got up, left MD by 10:30, then went to the gym here and ran some more errands. Now I'm just waiting for D to come pick me up and we're off to Manayunk to do a little b-day dinner for Kelly!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Firsts and Lasts

Everyone one has their firsts...

First best friend: James Thompson
First screen name: jeannie962
First funeral: my PopPop
First CD: Amy Grant... I don't know what it was called though
First pet: Thumper (our bunny- I know not too original on the name)
First piercing/tattoo: ears when I was 1 or 2 (everyone thought I was a boy so my mom thought that would help)
First big trip: don't remember
First flight: it was probably to my first big trip... so I don't remember that either
First concert: Ani DiFranco
First job: Receptionist at the Rectory "Good Evening St. Denis Rectory this is Jeannie how can I help you?"

Everyone also has their lasts...
Last car ride: work this morning
Last time you cried: probably sometime last week
Last movie you watched: In Her Shoes
Last food you ate: Rold Gold Pretzels
Last temptation: leaving work early
Last item bought: Birthday card at the bookstore
Last annoyance: coworker
Last shirt worn: Not the one I have on now? Then my "I MZQ in my shirt" t-shirt that I wore to bed
Last concert: Jamie Cullum on Tues
Last phone call: Rita in the studio telling me a spot was missing
Last time at the mall: Sunday

Last fight: i like stirring trouble!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is WRONG

01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural
things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that
hanging around tall people will make you tall.

03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy
behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has
legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at
all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and
divorce is still illegal.

05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were
allowed; the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage
would be destroyed.

06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay
couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry
because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more

07) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight
parents only raise straight children.

08) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours,
the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why
we have only one religion in America.

09) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at
home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to
raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never
adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the
service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

Just thought that was entertaining :)

Monday... er wait... ITS TUESDAY!

I was all packed and ready to go yesterday. Bags, shoes, everything in the car. The plan was to head to Ar's shop around 1, have some lunch, hang around until 5... say bye to Miss Arleigh and be on the road to Jersey by 7.

But.... I did not feel like driving to Jersey last night. I did not at all. I did, however, feel like hangin out in MD with Ar. So that decided that. She canceled her "Fixes and Flixs for Chicks" and we headed back to her house.

I'm glad I stayed. It would have been silly to get home to NJ at like 11ish and be all lonely. I got a good nights sleep as I was in bed by 10, asleep no later than 11... and didnt have to get up until 6:15. I left MD by 6:45 and was at work before 11 (so maybe it was 10:59... but thats still before 11). Though I just found out the concert I'm working tonight is at 9... not 8. So that sort of stinks. I might have to cut out a bit early as I'll be fading by 11ish. But I think Re and I are going to meet up for dinner in the city and then head to the concert so that should be a good time.

Anyway... I'm not all that busy at work today so just thought I'd post while I was thinking of it.

And it's already Tuesday. I do so love having off on Mondays!

Monday, October 10, 2005

I Love you Columbus

Just chillin here in MD. Watched a little Regis and Kelly Live... now I'm just putzin around online and playin with puppy. She's really growing on me. But shhh don't tell anyone!

I think I might head back to bed for an hour or so, then get in gear visit Ar at work... and then hopefully go for a bit of a walk later. Hopefully the rain will hold off.

Oh good lord... family feud is on. Perhaps I won't be getting back to bed!

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Mini Weekend Update

Yeah... I wish I was as cool as Tina Faye (I dont know how to spell that) with my weekend updates and all. But just thought I'd say hi while Miss Arleigh is in the shower.

We've had a nice weekend. It was a rough ride down on Friday with the freakin rain, but I got here around 7:30ish and we headed to On The Border for some Mexican for dinner. I do love that place. Then we got home and passed out. It was like 10:30.

Ar had to work yesterday morning so we got up, I drove her to work, came home and showered then went back to help out because they were short staffed. I'm working for a discount so I can buy a sweet ass road bike. Basically I spent 6 hours folding all the summer clothes and putting them into boxes to make room for winter riding gear. The one really fun part of the day was when Ar and I went to Chik-Fil-A to get lunch for us and Ernest.... and they accidentally gave us DOUBLE our order. So we had SIX things of chicken nuggets and SIX orders of fries. It was like Christmas giving out the extras at the shop. Very fun and entertaining. It was a slow day other than that as it was raining like mad.

We headed home, debated over what to do for the night and settled on Barnes. I read my book, she read some bikey magazines, we got hot beverages... and it was lovely. Then we went to TGI Fridays for something small to eat. Though I got a drink as big as my head... it was QUITE the yummy dacqueri! it's off to the movies!


Thursday, October 6, 2005

Spiked Salsa

So I was all cute today and brought my favorite blue chips from Whole Foods and a little side thing of salsa.

And I just took a bite... and my salsa totally tastes like its spiked! It smells and tastes like freakin GRAIN ALCOHOL!

I just made Janeen smell it too... and she agrees.

I thought salsa had a super long shelf life, and this is only a month old (if that)... apparently something is going strangely awry in the jar though, because this shit is foul!

So much for my fun little treat!

Books (part II)

Just keeping my promise to update everyone on my recent reads....

The Pact -- Jodi Picoult
Plain Truth -- Jodi Picoult
Vanishing Acts -- Jodi Picoult

yes... I've been reading a lot of Miss Picoult. I can't help it!!! But I will say that Plain Truth is one of the best books I've read in a long time. I've already made a bunch of people read it, and would certainly recomend it to almost anyone!!!

Last night I just started PS I Love you by Cecelia Ahern. It seems like it's going to be a good one!

[Here's the old post with all the other books I've read]
Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing - Melissa Bank
My Sisters Keeper - Jodi Picoult
The Pact - Jodi Picoult
True Believer - Nicholas Sparks
The Wedding - Nicholas Sparks
Straight Talking - Jane Green
Slightly Settled - Wendy Markham
Simply Sinful - Carly Phillips
The Right Choice - Carly Phillips
Departures - Elizabeth Oness
A Perfect Day - Richard Paul Evans

Thursday Already

I can't believe it's already Thursday. I have no idea where this week has gone. But it zoomed by!

There's not all that much to report. Tonight I'll be in Madison staying with Glo as Aunt Jan is in Florida for the weekend. Then tomorrow we're going out to lunch for Mary's last day. I'm hoping to still get out of here at a reasonable hour to head to MD for the weekend. And whats REALLY fun... is that I have off on Monday! Let's hear it for Columbus! I know he wasn't really all that great of a guy and lots of people don't get off for his birthday anymore... but I do and that makes me happy.

Then Tuesday night I'm working a Jamie Cullum concert at Irving Plaza... so it will be a long day, but worth it I'm sure.

Anyway... that's all for now!

Monday, October 3, 2005

Updated Pics

Got some new pics up. Some are from a random Sunday night in MD. Ar and I were fillin up my car with gas and she was takin pictures from the car of me washing my windshield. This was right after Hurricane Katrina when gas prices everywhere were at least $3.15 -- but she found cheap gas in MD (if you look real close you can see she took a picture of the price!)

The other ones are from the MS 150. Nothing amazing -- but got a few good shots from the 2 day ride.

Check them out :)