We all know I haven't posted in a while. But oh well, life has been a little crazy lately. (YAY! We're playing Ani on FUV right now! I am not a Pretty Girl... oh but Ani you ARE a pretty girl. I heart this song. GO FUV!) I digress -- so I haven't posted. But I am now, so thats something.
Anyway -- Denisey is getting married. Her and Pat got engaged (well no ring yet -- but its official anyway) and are gettin married in July! of this year! How fun?! So July 22 I'll be at D's wedding. I'm so happy for them. Pats great and him and D are perfect for eachother.
Anyway -- I got my dress for her wedding yesterday (yes -- I'm a bridesmaid). Look how pretty it is! The color is pool (all the way on the right). It looks wierd on the computer, but its a georgous color and looks really good on me! haha. So I got the dress and dont need alterations or anything! What a treat. I'm so excited about it. Now I need to get a sexy pair of silver heels. That's the fun part!
In not as exciting news I've also decided to push back my move to NC. It was a really hard decision to make. But it just makes too much sense. I am in 2 weddings this summer so I'd have to keep flying up for showers, bach parties and the actual weddings. I also have a family vacation in the end of June -- and I just wouldn't be able to get that much time off at a new job. So I'll be moving to NC after D's wedding in the end of July. I'm not happy about being away from Ar for another 3 months -- but it hass lessened my stress. If my Aunt is ok with it I'll be living at her house after my lease is up in May. Save some money for the U-Haul to NC (which will be close to 1000 bucks if not more) and all of that. Then in August-- watch out because this girl is moving to the south! And I'm really excited about it :)
Ok -- I think thats enough news for one post.