There is a new company called Revolution Money Exchange who's out to give PayPal some competition... They are offering $25 to everyone who signs up for an account before May 15 AND signing up is FREE! I've done my homework on this and it's legit, but you don't have to take my word for it... You can learn more about the company yourself by reading this USA Today Article
And guess what? If you sign up through the link on my blog, I'll make ten bucks! Then you can put a link on your own blog, or email your friends or whatever and make ten bucks for everyone that YOU sign up. I know, it sounds too good to be true... but guess what... it's not!
You may or may not know that I'm sort of particular about certain parts of my weekend routine. One of those things is going to the food store. On Sundays I usually get up, get the paper and clip coupons. Then I compile my list of what we need at the store for the week, attempt to make a meal plan for dinners and then at some point during the day head off to the store. No matter how long or short my list... it seems I always end up spending $100.
Yesterday I had very few things on my list food wise (Ar is going to be out of town most of the week so I was just buying for me), so I had high hopes of it being a $60 week. But alas... the bill came out to 89 bucks. Granted I did get a lot of toiletry stuff (shampoo, listerine, razors, body wash, etc) which are pricey. But regardless I was still bummed at the price.
That being said, I usually limit my lunch outings to once a week. I bring my lunch the other 4 days, and we usually don't eat out more than once a week. So I suppose $100/week for 2 people to eat is pretty reasonable.
While we're discussing the food store, I should mention that strawberries were on sale FOUR cartons for FIVE bucks. Yes, one of them is usually around 5 bucks. You can just imagine my delight at seeing this. So I bought 3 cartons and have high hopes of finishing them soon and getting there Tuesday night to stock up on some more as sales end Tues night. The strawberry eating fest has officially begun!
I also feel that I'm now much more qualified to watch The Price is Right on my sick days after a few years of weekly grocery shopping under my belt. As a kid I could never understand how my mom would always be right on with the over or unders on random items like TUMS or Keebler Cookies. But luckily, I now find that I too am sometimes a little too close to being on target. Though I have to admit I haven't been able to bring myself to watch since Bob Barker retired. There's just something unnatural about Drew Carey holding his long skinny old school microphone. I'm sure I'll come around soon enough though....
This morning I got up and was all pumped about the day. How could I not be? It's Friday, it's sunny and going up to 79, I'm sporting jeans a t-shirt and flip flops.... So I got in my car and what song did I hear as the radio came on? None other than Faded by Soul Decision. I was CRACKING up and ROCKING out. I hope it brings you as much joy as it did me.... (though I have a feeling the rest of the world didn't love this tune as much as I did.....)
My day was off to a great start -- sunny and 57 already, I'm sporting open toed shoes and painted my toes last night, I am using my NEW butterfly bag that I got for my bday AND got to work on time even though I had to get gas. Then I got here and had just taken the phones off the night setting. It starting ringing RIGHT away. I answered it and it was a woman going OFF about the StoryCorps story we aired this morning. I hadn't heard it -- but as soon as she said "I just wanted to call about your StoryCorps piece this morning" I went right to our website to read the description:
StoryCorps Charlotte: Life with Two Moms The StoryCorps mobile booth is traveling the country recording stories of everyday people, like Charlotte resident Wendy Laxton. She and her same-sex partner had two daughters using the same anonymous donor. In the Charlotte StoryCorps booth earlier this year, Laxton talked about their non-traditional family with her youngest daughter Katie, who is 11:
11-year-old Katie and her mother Wendy Laxton visited the mobile StoryCorps booth in Charlotte earlier this year. WFAE's Julie Rose produced this segment.
Yes... of course this woman was calling to say that it was "ABHORID [that's the word she used, and I'm not even sure it IS a word].... goes against human nature...felt HORRIBLY for the young girl who was forced to live in that type of family... didn't want to hear something so grotesque early in the morning.... and realizes that the world may be leaning towards accepting this but doesn't think we should be FLAUNTING it." I was caught SO off guard that I had to hold back tears. And then of course I had to tell her that I understood her opinion and thank her for letting me know and that I'd pass it along to the appropriate people. (Regardless of the fact that one day I hope to be in a very similar family situation)
I won't let it ruin my day though. I'll just chalk it up to that woman being a little shit. Teehee. I know... I'm so very mature :)
So after an almost 2 year hiatus... I decided to bring jeanniew back. Why? Really because some days I just have nothing better to do at work. I was just reading over some of my older posts and wonder if my life was more entertaining back then, or if I just stopped looking for stupid shit to blog about... so we shall see. Though it's quite possible that my life is just boring now.
The only excitement I have to discuss today is the beauty of Half Price Tuesdays at The Flying Saucer. Lunch is half price on Tuesday... you really can't beat it. I ordered a bowl of chili. It didn't say that it came with anything, and I was fine with that. But then it arrived -- a bread bowl of chili with fresh tortilla chips all around it. Holy cannoli I was pumped. The chili was great, the bread bowl was warm and crispy on the outside and the few chips I ate were an added bonus. But the best part? My bill came to $2.70. I tipped our waitress 3 bucks. That's right, more than a 100% tip. Like I said, you gotta love half price Tuesdays at the Saucer!