But let's see... I had a very busy and productive day yesterday. I got up at 8:30 and headed to the drs. Which was good ... and bad. See I haev a cyst on my face. Its right near my left ear. And it's usually no big deal... just a little bump but doesnt hurt or anything. Except the few times that its gets infected or something... and it swells up... and hurts REALLY badly and looks like a second head growing out of my face. Sounds hott, right? Well yeah... so that happened last week. And so I made an appt to go to the drs yesterday to get an antibiotic to stop the swelling. But (and I knew it was coming) Dr. Bullock told me I have to get it removed. Which sucks. He gave me the number of a plastic surgeon... since it's on my face and he doesn't want me to have a huge nasty scar. So... I'm a little freaked about it. Cause knives near my face is so not cool. And... I've never had any sort of 'procedure' done before (except my wisdom teeth but that doesnt count cause i was all doped up and OUT). And I'm a whimp. And... I don't want to have to take time off... but I know I'll have to cause the drs is in H-town... and I work in Jersey... so ... we'll see. I'm hoping to have this all over and done with before the end of April. So ... I'll be keeping you all posted! I know... exciting isn't it?
But then I came home, chatted with Donna for a while and went to go get my brows waxed. Diane did a lovely job, no worries. Then headed to CVS, dropped off my prescriptions, stopped at Wawa to get $$ and went to pick up the one and only Laura K Collins (aka the admiral) to go to lunch with her. We went to Guliftys (and yeah... I have NO idea how to spell that). It was super fun. I had another amazing waitress experience -- she was FANTASTIC! Too bad there was no comment card or else I would have given her glowing reviews as well. But Collins and I had a fantastic time, we were there for almost 3 hours! It was really nice catching up. That girl sure does make me laugh.
Then after lunch, I dropped Collins off and went straight to D's. We headed to Babys R Us to get Tara a shower gift and D also bought a jogging stroller for Bizzle (which was a whole 3 trip ordeal... but I'll let that be).
Speaking of... here's a picture of miss bizzle and the 'castle' she made for her my little pony...

too cute
Posted by Hello
Then we went to the Springfield Mall because we both had City Cash to NY & Co. I bought some shirts and a belt. All very lovely. Then I went back to D's, Bizzle begged me to stay and play 'just for 5 minutes.' So I did, we played leggos and it was fun. then I ran to CVS to pick up my prescription and went to dinner with the fam.
And when I say fam I mean FAM... it was me, mom, dad, Aunt Jan, Glo, Dooze, Cookie, Gram and Aunt Jo. Yeah... it was a lot. But we had a good time. I got this YUMMY chicken thing and then my dad and I split a dessert special called HOTT LOVE. Well it was called hot love with one t, but I prefer it with two. And it was DELISH!
Then I went home, tried on my clothes, picked out new sheets and a duvet cover for my room at home, talked to Ar (and she calmed me down cause I was all worked up about the cyst surgery stuff... God bless that girl. She knows how to handle me SO well its amazing). Then I went to sleep and didn't wake up until 12:30!!!
D called and begged me to go BACK to Babys R Us with her to exchange the stroller, then we went to Taco Bell for dinner (and I ordered the wrong thing... oops). And now I'm hangin out with mom and dad before I head back to Jersey.
Whew... what a weekend!!!
This was a long and uneventful post... but shhhh pretend you read it :) That will make me happy.
The Oscars are on tonight... I'm excited to watch them if I'm home. And also the L Word. YESSSSSSSS!!!! I love my little lesbian show.
And now you should all go to arsbars.com and comment all over the place so Ar feels special and doesn't take them away again. Just make sure theyre NICE comments ... thats all I ask :)
First, I did read it all and I thought you should know.
Next, there's nothing to worry about with the whole plastic surgery thing. I've had reconstructive PS and had to wear popsicle sticks taped to my face for a month so it didn't get messed up - which it didn't and now I'm fine. They'll give you a few stitches and you'll be perfect. Plus, going to the hospitle for some sort of treatment means you'll get cards and flowers, which is a very good thing.
I'm am also glad comments are back and thank you for helping to get them there!
I, too, read it all.
Because your blog is like crack to me. Don't ever stop blogging. Or I will have to start using crack.
Thanks for lunch. I had a blast. I'm obsessed with your car. But wouldn't trade mine for anything, even yours.
Unless my car breaks down permanently. Then I would try to trade. But I wouldn't tell you car broke down. I'd try to pass of my car like it was in great condition and get you to sign some sort of contract. And after you signed, I'd give you my keys and then take your keys and drive off really fast before you realized that my car was a lemon (to match it's lovely color).
I mean, I hope that wouldn't affect our friendship. Me giving you a crappy car and all.
I don't think it would.
Do you?
Anyway, sorry to hear about the cyst. Hey, your eyebrows were so stellar, I didn't even notice the cyst.
the admiral
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