It all started on Sunday when Aunt Jan fell and broke her knee cap. She had to have emergecny surgery, got home from the hospital on Tuesday, and has a huge brace, can only walk like from the bathroom to the couch and back, and can't drive for at least 2 months. So everyone has really been chipping in this week helping out with her. Bringing over dinners and everything. So it's been a crazy week around the house with all sorts of guests and the likes.
It's also the member drive at work - so it's been bonkers here as well. Members volunteering, all sorts of food, and working some additional hours to help out with our begging for money.
This morning I finally got over to my old apartment to finish up everything there. All of my stuff is ofically moved out, the fridge is cleaned out, and all that goodness. I left my keys for Michelle to drop off when she moves out this weekend and everything. So that is all done!
And the most exciting thing of all is that I'm going to Canyon Ranch with my mom Saturday-Tuesday. I'm SOOO pumped. It's going to be awesome. I'm getting a facial and a massage. I'll be eating amazing, healthy, organic good. And I'll be jumping from class to class.... here's the tentative schedule I came up with:
I haven't been on my bike at all this week due to all the other insanity, but I'm hoping next week that it will be nice enough to ride once or twice after work.
Ok... I think that's all the excitment for now! I'll be sure to post all about Canyon Ranch when I get back!
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