Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ignoring Ignorant People

My day was off to a great start -- sunny and 57 already, I'm sporting open toed shoes and painted my toes last night, I am using my NEW butterfly bag that I got for my bday AND got to work on time even though I had to get gas. Then I got here and had just taken the phones off the night setting. It starting ringing RIGHT away. I answered it and it was a woman going OFF about the StoryCorps story we aired this morning. I hadn't heard it -- but as soon as she said "I just wanted to call about your StoryCorps piece this morning" I went right to our website to read the description:

StoryCorps Charlotte: Life with Two Moms
The StoryCorps mobile booth is traveling the country recording stories of everyday people, like Charlotte resident Wendy Laxton. She and her same-sex partner had two daughters using the same anonymous donor. In the Charlotte StoryCorps booth earlier this year, Laxton talked about their non-traditional family with her youngest daughter Katie, who is 11:

11-year-old Katie and her mother Wendy Laxton visited the mobile StoryCorps booth in Charlotte earlier this year. WFAE's Julie Rose produced this segment.

Yes... of course this woman was calling to say that it was "ABHORID [that's the word she used, and I'm not even sure it IS a word].... goes against human nature...felt HORRIBLY for the young girl who was forced to live in that type of family... didn't want to hear something so grotesque early in the morning.... and realizes that the world may be leaning towards accepting this but doesn't think we should be FLAUNTING it." I was caught SO off guard that I had to hold back tears. And then of course I had to tell her that I understood her opinion and thank her for letting me know and that I'd pass it along to the appropriate people. (Regardless of the fact that one day I hope to be in a very similar family situation)

I won't let it ruin my day though. I'll just chalk it up to that woman being a little shit. Teehee. I know... I'm so very mature :)


Anonymous said...

I've only recently found your WW blog. While me and my husband are unable to have children of our own. I hope to adopt one day. and plan to raise them with an open mind. I feel these girls are very lucky to live in such a loving family. and I feel sorry for the children of this women who has such a closed mind.

Carrie said...

Well you are a little more mature then I would have been on the phone to her. Some people amaze me as to how ignorant they are. This lady loves her girls as much as anyone and that is all that matters. Just forget about her, her ignorance isn't worth you wasting any moment of your day thinking about her!