Friday, January 28, 2005

Ode To Joy....

So yeah... that's what they're calling this here little pretend Christmas Party tonight... the memo says "Our annual ode to joy will occur on Friday, January 28th'... come on... that's funny. Cause it's so just a cop out Christmas party. And THAT makes me laugh.

But either way... that's what's on the agenda for tonight. We get out at a whopping 4:30, but hey, it's better than 5:30 so I'll keep my mouth shut!

Last night ar and I did venture to Best Buy... it was fun. I was WAY overwhelmed in typical jeannie fashion and made her tell me what I needed. So that woked out nicely for me. Then we went to the Pilot House for dinner, which was super fun. They had DELISH sushi and that edamame stuff as an appa-teazer. That shit is sooo yummy... I highly recomend it. Salty and delicious!

We got back to OG around 9:30ish and Ar installed i-Tunes and got my iPod all hooked up and stuff, though I can't get the stuff FROM my iPod TO the library... which pisses the shit out of me, but whatever. That's why I'm not a mac girl (despite some peoples efforts to convert me... I just can't live without me right click!!!!).

I got a good nights sleep but today I have cramps (yeah I know thats probably too much information, but deal with it cause I feel like there's a living creature trying to crawl out of my stomach... too much info again? hahah sorry!!)

Though I am in a good mood today. Had a lovely lunch at home - I had a lean cuisine pizza... mm mm good! And ar made rice crispy treats... also delish.

ok... attack of the engineers... i have to restart my computer....

so im outtie!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

20 more minutes till I'm outta here

You were getting worried weren't you... that it was after 4:30 and I hadn't yet posted... well never fear party people... I'm here and ready to write about nothing for a good half hour. Doesn't that sound exciting?! Hahahah

I can't decide if today has gone by fast or not... like the morning I think went by quickly and so has the afternoon, but at the same time I feel like I've been sitting at this desk for HOURS and HOURS and days and days!

And... still no memo out about an early closing tomorrow... thats SHIT I tell you. Cause I need to go home and get all dolled up for the big 'ode to joy' tomorrow night. That and I just want to leave early and go home and take a napper... cause I established yesterday how much I do so enjoy a good napper.

Ok... Shari just talked to bill...its looking like 4-4:30ish we'll get out... CRAP! I feel like at least we should be out by 3... but I shouldn't complain with getting out an hour early. So I'll hush up now :)

Anyway... last night we got the sofa. It actually looks nice in the apartment. The arrangement makes the room look a bit smaller, but I think I like it better. I feel like we use the space better. If that makes sense. Like theres just not as much open area.

Tonight we have big plans to go to Best Buy and get the rest of the stuff for my computer. How fun?! Yeah... as long as we can find best buy, it should be a pretty good time. And then I might actually have to come back to work because Dispatch is down here and Tara and I cant send our logs to merge... so I told Jim I'd come back later if need be... so who knows!

Anyway... tomorrow's friday and thats SUUUUUPER exciting. I heart the weekends. Though this one is bitter sweet cause I know Ar's moving for real at the end of it... like goin to Boston... starting work.... and everything. But I'm not gonna worry about that right now, because I still have 3 days with her :)

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The after lunch blues....

So... at 2:32 when I opened this to write I so did have the after lunch blues. You know that time in the afternoon when you just conk out and are so sluggish and unmotivated. And the energy from the morning has worn off, and youve been back from lunch for a while, but still have a long afternoon ahead of you? Well thats what I was goin through 2 hours ago... but the day has taken some suprise turns.

Scotty came in all wanting to know who I was bringing to the Christmas party because he heard I RSVPed for 2. Here's how it went:

S: So who is this guy?
Me: Thats the funny part...
S: Huh?
Me: It's not a guy...
S: Oh... that's lame... I was all excited! Well... hey, is she cute? single??
Me: Uhm shes not exactly single Scotty, because she's my GIRLfriend
S: (confused look)
Me: Mhm... didn't expect that, did ya?
S: Wait... when you say girlfriend... do you mean GIRLfriend?
Me: You got it!
S: Huh... wow... then I guess you can't sit at our singles table
Me: Oh don't you worry... I'll work my way to your table!

Tara walks in at that point...

S: So did you hear gen-o's bringin a date to the christmas party?
T: no
Me: Yeah... just as a heads up I'm bringing my girlfriend on Friday night
T: Oh... I didn't know you had one of them...

It was pretty entertaining. We then decided to take a jaunt over to Starbucks cause we both needed a caffine pick me up. It was great. So Scotty and I chatted and he had a gift card so he bought me my beverage (the awake tea which has me shakin right about now im so awake)... it was lovely!!!

So now I'm awake, and feel better bout Scotty and Tara knowing about my sexy bi-atch!!!

Can anyone else tell how hyper I am???? Do the excessive ???? and !!!!!s help at all? teehee.

OH! And know what else totally rocks EVERYTHING about my world? AR FIXED THE LAP TOP!!!! Like totally... its as good as new (cept its still missing a caps lock button... but really... who uses that anyway?) She got the sound to work and EVERYTHING! I am SO excited. And WAY impressed at her computer-y intelligence. She took everything off and then just reinstalled everything... its like BRAND NEW! I LOOOOOOOOOOVE it. And I ordered internet though Cablevision today and the modem and everything for that should be here in 3-7 business days... YAY! I'm SO excited! It's gonna be great. And tomorrow night Ar and I are gonna head to Best Buy to get a few other things I need for it. And I'm gonna try to get a CDR drive as the one in it is just a DVD played and this bitch needs to make her CDs :)

So..... yeah.... I've got the best girl EVER cause I HAVE A 'PUTER NOW!!!

Things that make my smile....

Since it's a rainy Wednesday.... and I'm not all that busy at work (which is a miracle itself)... I decided I'd make a list of things that make me happy. Because how can you be in a bad mood while you're making a list about happy things? Exactly! You cant!!!! So here goes...

Things I heart:
  • music
  • watching tv
  • 24 - jack bauer forever
  • the L word
  • f'in around
  • diners
  • drinkin a few beers with my girls
  • drinkin a few beers with anyone else that i like
  • arbor mist - nothing quite like a 2.99 bottle of fake wine
  • singing REALLY loudly in the shower
  • singing even LOUDER in the car
  • eating cerealy right out of the box
  • good hugs
  • fun emails
  • REAL mail
  • family dinners
  • talking til the sun comes up
  • driving around aimlessly
  • chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream.... mmm so good
  • mint choc chip ice cream (but only if its the fake green color!!)
  • cheesy romance novels
  • playing in the ocean
  • playing in the snow
  • hot chocolate with marshmallows
  • cashmere socks
  • cashmere anything really
  • bad cheesy pop music (i cant help it that i have a soft spot for brit and avril and the like)
  • naps on rainy days
  • naps on the beach
  • naps in general
  • folky music
  • live music
  • wearing pajamas
  • sunny days
  • stripes!!!
  • diet coke
  • flip flops
  • driving stick (i miss my jetta...)
  • being tan
  • early morning rides at the shore in the summer
  • random phone calls from old friends (that makes me sound like im 65 years old...)
  • pedicures
  • people watching
  • my friends who are amazing
  • cuddling
  • 80s movies
  • romantic comedies
  • fountain sodas
  • fountain diet cokes in particular
  • writing in pencil
  • polite drivers
  • and definately... my sexy ass girlfriend :)

Things I dont heart as much...

  • traffic
  • fake people
  • wearing jackets (theyre too restrictive)
  • being cold
  • alarm clocks
  • unnecessary drama
  • attempting to spell words like unnecessary
  • feet (though im getting better with that)

Aight... thats all i got for the moment... it's already 11:24... that definately passed some time. More to come later in the afternoon... I know, contain your excitement!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Take me Down to the Paradise City....

Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty... TAKE... ME... HOOOOOME (we're playing that on the hawk right now... and its fun)

Let's talk about how f'in productive I've been at work today. All my orders... IN! All copy/continuity that was sitting on my desk... IN! Filing... DONE! Log for tomorrow... DONE! And it's not even 4pm yet!!!! Jeepers creepers I'm bustin shit up in here today. Feels kind of good too. But I'm sure tomorrow I'll be back to my unmotivated self. We shall see....

It's supposed to snow a bit more tonight... but not all that much... I think only 2 or 3 inches, which is nothing compared to the weekend, so that's good. I'm not sure what's on the agenda for tonight, but I hope it involves PJs and TV... cause I'm tired today. We might take a trip to Cingular/AT&T but that's nothing TOO big.

Ok... this was so very unexciting, but what are ya gonna do? It's a cold, wintery, Tuesday... And I've been so good about posting lately that I don't have anything new to report! hahaha.

So with that, I'm gonna go 'run some reports' or something productive like that :)

Happy Tuesday!!!

Monday, January 24, 2005


Another Monday... a snowy, cold Monday. But it's ok, because though the morning was a little rough today has turned into a decent day.

I had a great weekend... Ar got here late Thursday night. Friday we went out for sushi at a cute new place she found and then we went home, each drank a bottle of our respective beverages of choice (hers being a nice bottle of red wine, mine being cheap ass 2.99 arbor mist - im such trash and you love it), watched the L word on showtime on demand and proceeded to get slightly intoxicated. It was hysterical... and quite enjoyable. We went to bed late and got up at around 10ish Saturday morning. It had already started snowing so we got up, showered and shoveled a little bit. Then Kelly got back from her dentist appointment... and I made cream of brocolli soup... which if I do say so myself was FANTASTIC! I got the recipie from Aunt Jan... and it was delish! While the soup was brewing we shoveled some more and then came inside, had some soup and play rummy 500 for about 3 hours. It was pretty fun.

Then we sat around and watched TV for a bit, and Ar and I headed to bed early... like 10ish. It was SUCH a chill day... just what I needed :)

Sunday I woke up to like 18 inches of snow!! It was crazy!!! I made french toast for ar and kelly for breakfast, and then we had to go out and shovel out all the cars... it was quite a procedure, but in the end everyone got de-snowed and out of their plowed in spots. Kevin came over to watch the game and brought wings, and fries and beer which was QUITE a treat.

And even more of a treat... THE BIRDS ARE OFF TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!! It was a great game.... Then Kelly, Kevin, Ar and I all played rummy 500 til about 9:30. We laughed a LOT which was really nice.

And then I got the best massage EVER before we went to bed... I fell RIGHT to sleep by like 10:30. This morning was so rough getting up because Kevin and Kelly had a delayed opening and didn't have to be at work until 1 and Ar obviously didn't have to get up. So I took my time de-icing my car, came in a half an hour late (due to the weather)... but have had a great day since. Tonight Ar and I are gonna head up north to meet up with glo and aunt jan for glos bday (shhh its a suprise) and aunt jan is going to give me glos old lap top... I'm hoping Ar can help me look at it to fix it up. And I just went to the baja fresh with ar for lunch and then to target and got glo a pressy for tonight!!! It was a great lunch break :)

And now I have to get back to work... but only 3 more hours!!!

Friday, January 21, 2005

5:20 on Friday....

And I'm so ready to bust outta here. Even though it was a short week... feels like it's been the longest in a while! Good lord!

I'm looking forward to a chill weekend. Makin some cream of brocolli soup and rice crispy treats for the girl :) I'm just a domestic godess I tell you.

Ok, well I was posting in hopes of passing time... but its only 5:22 and I'm out of things to write.

So I'll go clean up my desk, start shutting down... and it'll be 5:30 soon... right?????

Bring on the snow...

I'm not gonna lie... I'm super proud of me right now!!!

Cause I just edited some of this site all by myself! I changed the links and added that little blurb about me (or about how I don't like to write little blurbs about me) to the left... YAY ME! hahahaha.

But do you like the new design? I do. It makes me happy. Though the old polka dots were pretty hott :)

So let's see... I haven't posted in a while.

Boston was AMAZING. We had the best time. Laughed a LOT.... which is the best. I got to meet Eric (Ar's new bossman), saw the shop, met her roommate, saw the apt... it was all super. I didn't want the weekend to end.

But... Ar's here for over a WEEK before she goes to Boston. So that's super exciting. (and we're playing 'we belong' by pat b on the point right now... aww yeah!) So she got here late last night and is staying until at least next Saturday... how fun?!?!?! I'm super excited!

And we're supposed to get a big fat snowstorm tomorrow. Which is good because it's on a Saturday... so I can just stay inside all day and play scrabble and watch movies and the like. I'm super excited about it.

Fish and Kell and Ashy were supposed to come see my apt tomorrow, but thats been postponed with the pending snow... which stinks. But I'll have them over soon enough, and I'm sure they'll come lots in the summer what with the beach only three blocks away!!!

Ok... I gotta get some work done, so I can get home for lunch :)

Happy FRIDAY!!

Friday, January 14, 2005

Bring on MLK day!

Thank goodness that it's Friday! It's 5:01pm and I'm done EVERYTHING. I could walk out the door right now if I was allowed.. but too bad that I'm not. I dropped my car off at Strauss this morning so I still have to get over there to pick up my car. So I might ask Tara if I can leave a few minutes early to get that situated and still get on the road at a reasonable hour.

Anyway... here's the weekend rundown:
Tonight - H-town to hang out with the rents and Ar. Maybe stop by kellys to see her and fish
Tomorrow morning at 5:30am - head to BOSTON with Ar
Sunday - touristy stuff in Boston
Monday - head back to H-town
Tuesday - back to Jersey and work

It should be a pretty good time though!!! I'm excited about all of it :)

Ok... I'm gonna get going now!
Have a great weekend everyone (ha ha ... I say that like there's people reading!)

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Oil Changes and Lists...

In case you were worried (which I'm sure you all were...), I went to Commerce today on my lunch break and got my checking account all set up. And I made an appointment to get my oil changed tomorrow morning. I'll drop it off across the street on my way to work and pick it up in the afternoon. So I'll be all set for my weekend of road tripping :)

Here's an updated to do list...

  • thank you notes
  • gym
  • pack
  • laundry
  • clean out my car
  • read
  • eat dinner - something yummy cause im HUNGRY

By next week:

  • return/exchange clothes from Christmas
  • get to the gym tues-fri
  • clean/organize my closet

That's all I've got for now... but I'm sure that list will be growing :)

And now it's almost time to leave.... FUUUUUCK YEAH!

I wonder if anyone actually reads this... ha ha ha

I don't really have anything to say... but I'm not ready to start working yet today. I slept like ASS last night which is so unlike me. Usually my head hit the pillow and I'm OUT... but last night I fell asleep at like 11:30ish, woke up and talked to Ar around 1:30ish I guess, and then tossed and turned for the rest of the night. But... I'm not really tired (yet) today so that's good. And I'm wearing a skirt because it's supposed to be nice out!!! Like 67 degrees kind of nice out... in the middle of January. Global warming is freaky... but I am excited about the warm weather :)

I have a LOT to do today.... I need to get an oil change (I'm not sure when I'm going to do that...), and I want to go to Commerce on my lunch break and open up a checking account there. So hopefully I can get those two things done today :) But I'm thinking I'll be lucky if I get one of them done.

So last night after work I went to the gym and saw one the one of our regional sales people there... so the two of us worked out together which was nice. It always makes the time go by faster when you're chatting. I did 20 min on the tread mill, 30 mil on the elliptical and then 150 crunches. I'm trying to get back on track with Weight Watchers - but its frustrated because Ive been trying really hard this week and I gained. But... it's just all the more incentive to work over the weekend in Boston.

Oh but some exciting news... last night Kelly and I had our first dinner at our new kitchen table!!!! It was really fun. Adrienne (one of the girls that lives upstairs) and Kevin (roommates man) were over and Kelly made some chicken-y dinner. Granted I ate right when I got back from the gym and not with them, but we were all sitting around the table chatting and stuff. Then Stacy came down and visited for a few minutes too and we all were laughing really hard at some story she told about how some swingers couple tried to pick her up at a bar once. It was hysterical!!!

And a happy list for today....
- tomorrow is friday
- i have a free gym membership
- its warm out!!
- wearing skirts when its warm out
- cream of broc soup for lunch... mmm mmm good!!!
- off on monday!
- road trip this weekend!!!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Polly Update

I almost forgot!!! The polly weekend in Hoboken. We had SO much fun! I got there Sat evening and Kell and Fish were already there. We ate... TONS of good yummy food. We made dinner, drank and then got ALL dressed up to go see Rock Kandy. Somehow everyone talked me into wearing one of Michelle's dresses... and I kept telling everyone I looked like a hussy. But let's not lie... I was STOKED that the dress fit :)

So my brother and his friends stopped by around 10ish and we had some drinks. I had a lot of them. Which is sooo uncharictaristic of me... but there was malibu involved. And I'm a SUCKER for malibu! Then we left to go to the bar to see the most amazing 80s coverband. When I say the lead singer wore leopard stretch pants and had hair that Slash would be proud of... I'm not exaggerating. They rocked like nobodys business. And I drank like it was my job.

On the way home I realized that I was the drunkest of everyone. I'm not sure thats EVER happened before. But... it was entertaining. I was wasted and wearing a very slutty outfit... and screaming all over Hoboken. It was fun.

We went home and headed to bed! Then Sunday morning we got up, had bagels and lounged around in our PJs for a while. D arrived at like 1ish. And it was time to eat MORE food and do the polly exchange! The food was amazing... home made stomboli, spinach dip, artichoke dip, cream cheese spread... SO much yummy stuff. And all of the presents were a HIT! I had fish and she had me. She got me a HEN mug and all sorts of teas and also a cute t-shirt that says PIRATED ARRRRR COOL. It's hysterical! We then went for a walk by the river, ate more, and eventually I headed home around 5ish...

It was a GREAT weekend with the girls. I do miss hanging out with them like that. Between all of our schedules I can't remember the last time we all hung out like that.. it was perfect :)

And now I'm REALLY going to go change for the gym!!!

Reality... it sure can be a bitch

So... my girlfriend is moving. To Boston... Thats not exactly close. Not that she lives close now... cause I don't think Annapolis would fall under the 'close to Ocean Grove, NJ' category either. But... Boston is a bit further. And it's a change. It's new. It's different. And sometimes... well sometimes I suck at change.

I'm nervous for her. I'm nervous for me. I'm just nervous. I'm not worried that we're going go break up. Or that we're not going to make it. Or that she's going to find some hott Boston girl... because we're on the same page. We've talked about it. We fit. I'm just worried about how things are going to be. I'm so used to my routine. I've seen her every weekend since we started dating (with the exception of this past weekend and my homecoming weekend). But I've still seen her at some point during the week every week since Sept 19th. That... is going to change. She's going to be working insane hours. There's going to be snow - and we all know (ok... the we is just really ME) that i DONT do snow. There's going to be stuff I have to be here in NJ for.

I think I've talked to her every single night before falling asleep since the first time I talked to her. So much so that I can't fall asleep without at least hearing her voice... even if she just says 'night baby' it's like magic and I can fall right to sleep. But who knows what going to happen when she moves. Ya know? It's just scary... thats all. I hate the unknown. It freaks me out.

But Ar and I area heading up to Boston this weekend which should be fun. I'll get to see where she'll be working, and see where shes going to move in for the first few months. And I'll just get to spend one last weekend with her before everything goes haywire! hahaha. And I have off on Monday... which is QUITE the treat :)

Ok... I have to go print my log and change for the gym...

Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Bring on 2005

I forgot to put deodorant on this morning... how annoying is that? And even more annoying is that I went home on my lunch break and forgot to put it on then TOO! sheesh! i mean its not like a i smell (at least i dont THINK i do) but you know how you can just FEEL it when youre lacking some scented goodness in the under arm area? yeah... well thats what I'm feeling right now!

Other than that, things are good! It's 2005... how bout that, eh? Bonkers. New Years Eve Ar was the best girlfriend ever and went to my aunts with me even though that wasn't first on her list of things to do. We had dinner there, then played some wierd game and then finally got back to OG at like 11:30. My roommate was home with the cat watching Dick Clarkes new years rockin eve. at midnight we popped some champange, drank it and then ar and i went to bed. But it really was a great new years. Low key, and just nice.

And guess whos STILL in Jersey??? The lovely Arleigh! It's been so fun... and I'm not even sick of her yet! On Monday I got home from work and she had cleaned up my room and hung my pictures up. It was the cutest thing... ever. It looks so good! And my parents came to see my apt on Sunday and my dad put up shelves... so now it really looks like a room with stuff on the walls!!!!

Tonight Ar and I are off to the foodstore. I'm quite excited to get the ingrediants for 0 points WW soup. And maybe some other dishes. And this weekend I have the h-town pollyanna in Hoboken on Sat night. Should be a great time! I'm really excited!

ok... its almost time to leave!
Happy New Year...