Thursday, March 31, 2005


I still can't believe it's already Thursday. I tell ya, taking off on Mon-Tues sure does shorten up the week! I have to pack AGAIN tonight to go home for the weekend (I have to get my stitches out Monday morning and need to get a new license picture at the DMV so.... off to H-town I go again).... but right, I haven't even unpacked from the weekend yet! hahah.

You know what is exciting though?? I put pictures from this weekend with my new digital camera in my gallery (God I am just so cutting edge with the digi and a gallery and everything... hahaha thanks again Andrew for setting it up and showing me how to use it haha). So feel free to take a look at them at your leisure. I plan on taking PLENTY more pictures this spring/summer. I can't wait!!

Most of the pictures are from when Ar and I were walking around the city Mon-Tues when we went to the B&B. It was such a good time... she spoiled me and treated me like a princess all weekend long. And the B&B was SO freakin nice!! And it was just great to spend time with her and not have to entertain myself while she was at work. We actually got to hang out during the day... which was super fun.

Anyway I'm going to go pack for the weekend, then get in bed and read my book!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Still not enough time

Again... there's so much to write about my extended birthday weekend that I don't even know where to start...

So... I'll just put it off again because I'm a little tired and out of it. I just watched the L Word and am getting ready to get to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day at work because I kind of slacked today.... I was still on cloud 9 from that past few days with Miss Arleigh and all of the other birthday festivities.

But what is exciting is that my mom and dad gave me a digital camera... and Andrew (being the awesome dude that he is) is setting up a gallery for my site... so soon I'll have pictures!!!

And I'm very excited about this.

Oh... and the (very minor) surgery that I had on Monday and was freaked out about for weeks and had nightmares about wasn't all that bad at all. I have a bandaid on my face now... and I'm going back on Monday morning to get my stitches out and then I'll just have a little scar right near my ear.

Ok... now it's time to get in bed cause I'm sleepy.... night night

I'm Alive....

Just wanted to let you all know that I am alive.... just not a very good poster these days.

I had an AMAZING weekend and birthday. I'll write more later - but just wanted to check in :)

Back to work I go....

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Bowling and Other Goodness

So first things first - I went bowling tonight with my brother and bunch of other H-town hoodlums (how would you spell that??) and we had QUITE a good time. My bowling ball was named Lucille - and about halfway through Kelly pointed out that it was LUCILLE BALL... and I laughed so hard I couldn't even bowl. (Really... it's the little things in life that make me happy.) Then later on I was going to bowl with good old Lucille... and did the little wind back ... and BAM! Lucille dropped to the floor BEHIND ME and again... I nearly peed myself laughing. So I was all laughing and could barely bowl but somehow managed to get the ball down the lane... and the person who went after me DID THE SAME THING!!! She wound up... and SLAM. Down again. It was hysterical!

In other news - I had quite the day of beauty this morning. I got my hair cut, then got my brows waxed and THEN Denise called to see if I wanted to go get a manicure with her... and I'm not one to turn down a mannie... so we went and she took me as a little b-day present! It was such a good time and I have sparkling violet nails. It's very light and pretty. I do enjoy it.

And tomorrow... ARLEIGH IS COMING!!! I cannot wait to see her.... I'm so freakin excited. And it's a bit of a tease beacuse right now she's driving to MD which means she's basically driving RIGHT past me. And I don't get to see her until tomorrow afternoon... but the point is that I GET TO SEE HER TOMORROW! teehee.

And she's taking me to a bed and breakfast on Monday night for my B-day! I can't wait! It's gonna be great... wow... there's just so much to look forward to in the next few days that I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight!!

Anyway... that's all for now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

6 Months....

Thats roughly...

26 weeks
176 days
4224 hours
253,440 minutes

(and yes - i know the 26 weeks and 176 days dont add up to the same thing but shhhh i said ROUGHLY)

WARNING: mushy love stuff ahead, so if you're jaded and would rather not read STOP NOW!

So yes... if you didn't figure it out... today is me and miss Arleigh's 6 month anniversary. And I know that might not be all that earth shattering to anyone else out there... but shit 6 months is a long time! Even though it seems like just yesterday we were laying on my couch and I gave in and admitted that I didn't want to wait the 2 months until she was no longer a teenager and that I could deal with dating a 19 year old. heehee. And that was that....

Last night we were on the phone and she asked me what my favorite moment with her has been... and I really couldn't answer. So she said I could have 5... and then I picked 5... and still had another 10 more I wanted to include (but wasn't allowed because I had already picked my 5 hahaha). But I really couldn't pick just 5 because there are so many favorites... (and because I'm no good a favorites - see previous post re: Favorite Color)

She makes me laugh like no one else can. She understands me more than I understand myself sometimes (which I know... is wierd). Not only does she deal with my family - but she actually LIKES them. She writes me letters and decorates the envelopes all pretty (though I think my mail man might not think theyre so pretty as it's sometimes hard to find the address but whatever I dont care cause I like them and yes... its still all about me in the end haha). She's driving a gajillion miles to be with me for my birthday. She lets me complain. She calls just to make sure I'm ok at work since I'm usually stressed. She brings me flowers. She is f'in hot (especially wearing the white bandana, with sunglasses on and driving... mhmm.... yeah). She inspires me. She makes me think. She takes me to the movies. She holds my hand. She gives damn good massages. Her smile really does light up a room (even if thats the most lame cliche ever... its true).

And really... what it all boils down to... is that she makes me happy.

So thanks baby... for everything. I love you.

Favorite Color

So.... I'm not all that sure why Ali asked, but she did... ask me what my favorite color is. And this is a question I have such a hard time with. I used to always say blue... because it matches my eyes and I do so enjoy the color of my eyes.

But ... blue is so common and ordinary. So for a while... like in high school and college I would say it was either yellow or orange. Because they weren't popular colors and I did enjoy them. But now freakin J Crew is all about the yellow and orange and it pissed me off because I liked those colors because they weren't common!!!!

And now... I won't lie I'm on a bit of a purple kick. But who knows how long that will last? I can tell you one thing... it's not red. hahahaha. I've just never really been a fan of red.

And I guess I'd go with yellow or blue if asked. But.... it's not like I'm one of those people who is all confident in her favorite color. I guess it all depends on what mood I'm in. Generally... I like most colors. Ohhh I am a big fan of kelly green too....

So you see.... I have no idea :) Because i'm indecisive and 'favorites' are hard for me because I feel like I have to make a definate decision... and though blue might be my favorite color today... but that doesn't mean it's going to be my favorite color tomorrow :)

So that's my answer. I'm sure that doesnt help you at ALL ali... but that's what youre gettin :)

Really... I swear I'm not an idiot...

So last night I was in a bit of a rush at the gym. It ended up I didn't have to be, but I was supposed to head to Hoboken after the gym... so I wanted to be home by 7 to take a shower and on the road to the Boken by 7:30. And since I didn't get to the gym until 6... I was rushing.

So I totally worked my ass off at the gym to overcompensate for the fact that I was only doing 30 minutes of cardio and then did some ab work (and owe... I'm feeling that today damnit). There weren't ANY treadmills or ellipticals free so I did the bike. So there's this guy who is usually there at the same time I am and he always starts out on the bike. So about 5 minutes into my little biking escapade (how the hell do you spell that?), he gets on the bike next to me. And this guy is jacked. Like... shit. He's all muscle and I'm not sure there's an ounce of fat on his body. He has a shaved head and there's this really scary vein that pops out of his head when he's working out. Yesterday his shirt had something about some sort of triathalon on it... and I don't doubt that he does them. Because this dude is SO intense at the gym.

But regardless.... it's fantastic when he's next to me because there's this unstated competition. Just because the bikes are SO close together. And he totally kept looking at my little stats on the screen at what level I was at and how many rpms I was at (or whatever the hell is on there).... and so I kept at my pace the whole 30 minutes because I felt like I had to keep up. Which is good because normally I just get bored and slow down and putter around for the last 15 minutes and it's all sort of pointless. So when I was done I went to go get a towel and that wierd green spray stuff to wipe down my machine and he goes 'Hey, good workout' and it was funny because I still had my iPod on (bless that thing for making the gym SO much more fun) and I was like OH I'M SORRY WHAT??? Then realized I could just take out the headphones and hear him. But it was funny. Regardless... I got off the bike and my legs were not happy with me.

But whatever... I continued over and did my ab stuff. And I was all flustered this whole time because I knew I was in a time crunch. So now my legs were shaky from the stupid ass bike and I was all flustered on top of it and I rushed right out of the gym when I was done everything and booked it to my car.

So I get to my car, I open the door, and I go to get in and SMACK. I f'in SLAMMED my head into the frame of my car. So now I have a big bump (and throbbing pain) on the right side of my forehead.

Now how many times do I get in and out of my car a day? I'd say at least 4-5. And how long have I had my car? Almost a year and a half now. So you'd think that I'd know how to judge getting in it without slamming my head into it full force. It's all so very entertaining. The bump isn't too noticeable, but if you feel it... it's definately there. I'm just hoping it doesn't bruise cause that wouldnt' be all that hott. hahaha.

And as it ended up I got in my car and there was a message saying that plans had changed and I didn't have to go to Hoboken anymore. So I went home and had all the time in the world...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

So it's been a wacky day... not a bad one... just a wacky one. I did however get out of work RIGHT at 5:30 and go to the gym.

I'm all motivated today which is good. I kicked my ass at the gym and hope I can keep it up. Cause this here body of mine has not been worked in a while. Hopefully I'll get to the gym again tomorrow and Thursday. Then this weekend I'm going to bring my bike home and if it's nice maybe hit up the Valley Forge trail. Though I just looked at the weather and its supposed to rain tomorrow through Sunday... which is really fun. hahaha.

Ok, I don't have all that much to post about. I feel like I'm in a bit of a slump. I'm ready for it to be SPRING. And nice so I can ride. I'm ready to stop eating shit (and the f'in boss of the sauce isnt helping at work) all the time and get back to eating healthily because I just FEEL better when I eat right.

And I'm just sad because I haven't seen Ar in WAY too long and I don't get to see her until Sunday. And that seems so freakin far away right now. And I just miss her a lot.....

.... and I think that about sums it up! teehee.

I have a BREAKFAST sandwhich!!

So everyday Nancy (my savior while Tara is gone - she used to do traffic down at our other office but they moved her into mine to help out while Tara is gone)... but right, so every morning she makes a ham, egg and cheese sandwhich on an english muffin before she comes to work. Wraps it up in wax paper AND tin foil. And then heats it up when she gets to work and eats it. So naturally... it always smells HEAVENLY. And I'm always like ohh Nance that smells so good! Because... well... it does!

So today I came in and she goes 'Jeannie, we're gonna start today off right." And I said "ok Nance, I think thats a good idea!" And then she goes, "Well I woke up a little earlier than ususal today and I figured since I had the extra time, I'd make you a sandwhich too!" So now I'm eating my ham, egg and cheese on english muffin... and its phenomenal!!! So much better than the kashi I packed. hahaha.

And that's my story about the little things in life that mean SO much. Cause how cute is that?? I do love Nance. She's the bestest!!!

So I figure how bad of a day could it be? I'm startin it off with a homemade treat!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

"She got her tit caught in the ringer!!"

So my mom's uncle (hence my great uncle) -- well his name is Uncle Bill. But he prefers to be called CHAMP. So we do. Because why the hell not. He's a hard man to describe. But I'll do my best. He grew up in the south (though I'm not exactly sure where in the south) but even to this day he still has this kickin southern accent. It's classic. He was in the 'service' for a while. But his job was being a maitenance man at the high school where my mom and all of her sisters went. Now - there is ntohing wrong with being a maitenance man - because he did a great job and people need them. But - I'm just givng you the background that hes more a jeans and flannel shirt guy than a suit and tie. (He once told us a story about some kid at the high school who went into the bathroom to try and set off a little stink bomb or something. Apparently the kid actually sat down on the toilet though like he was taking a shit... and here's how champ told the story. "Well the dumb kid goes into the hopper and sits down and tries to set of some explosives... well the idiot nearly blew his dinger right off! We had to get him out of the hopper on a stretcher and there was his dinger all just floppin around!" (yes he calls the bathroom the hopper and the kids dick his DINGER! man it was too funny)

So yesterday we were at my aunts house making St. Josephs day cakes (just pretend you know what that means, because I don't feel like getting into it right now haha). And Uncle Champ and Aunt Rosie (his wife - who he calls Bae because he used to always call her baby.. how cute is that??) Now Champ is know for being a bit crass and sometimes crosses the line. Like when I was younger he used to take us out on his boat at the family reunion. All the grandkids would go out. And every year ... he used to pee off the side of the boat. And he'd get his little grandson to pee off the boat too. Now one year - in 1993... champ didnt pee off the boat. And I can still remember my cousin Annie and I getting off the boat because we were 'pee free in '93' It was all so exciting! hahaha.

So that's Champ. I do wish I could just put these next two stories up as a sound byte because its really not nearly as funny unless you can hear this stuff in Champs accent - but I'll do my best.

So we're sitting at dinner last night and my dad was talking about the girl that works at his store. She's in high school and just works the register on weekends. And apparently yesterday she had really short shorts on and one of the other guys my dad works with had a talk with her about how they were too short. So then Uncle Champs asks 'well did she have a bra on?' and my dad just starting laughing and was like uhh I'm not sure Champ but there didnt seem to be any problems on the upper half. And then Champ starts telling a story about HIS aunt who once was doing laundry without a bra on. Apparently back in those days to ring out the laundry you put the clothes through a ringer - which was sort of like a pasta machine... or like a paper shredder (just didnt shred... just story of squished all the water out).

So Champ starts "Well yeah she had herself some big tits, and she was doin da laundry and put here tit right through da ringer! Now my sister and I never belived the story, but den one time we were at our Aunt's house and my sister saw her tit and said to me, BILL - ITS TRUE! She did get her tit caught in da ringer!!" So... I'm laughing hysterically at how he keeps sayin tit right there at the dinner table. Beacuse apparently I'm not all that mature.

So then he starts saying another story abot how "One time I was on that island with all the Japs..." and I nearly spit my water out - beacuse who the hell says that kind of stuff these days? I know he's old and all... but come on Champ! We don't say thing like JAPS! So I said something like 'you mean japanese?' and he goes 'yeah! with all the japs' so I figured there wasn't all that much hope for correcting him and gave up.

So now we've moved onto dessert. And my aunt and uncle whos house we were at have a little ratty lookin dog. Her name is Maggie. And maggie apparently has taken a liking to one of her stuffed animal toys... and was humping the animal on the couch RIGHT next to champ. So of course he's havin a day with this and thinks its all so hysterical. So my uncle says to Aunt Rosis (Champs wife) - "Aunt rosie you better be careful when you get home - champ's gettin some ideas from maggie over here!" And Aunt Rosie (though she's old can still handle the men) says "Alright honey, when we get home you show me everything you learned over there" And then champ just says "Ha ha the next time I get it up I'm tapin it right to a tongue depressor!"

When I tell you I almost peed my pants I'm not kidding. This man just comes out with stuff that NO ONE else would be able to get away with... but somehow he does. And man does it crack me up....

So that was pretty much my day yesterday. I was the only one of my generation there, so I didn't have any back up when the aunts would get crazy. But Champ made the whole day worth it!

And that's my family....

Friday, March 18, 2005

Home sweet Havertown

I got home in GREAT time tonight... which is always a treat.

Tomorrow I'm heading to the Kazanjians to make St. Joesephs Day Cakes (don't ask... because I think only my family knows what they are.... but theyre DELECTIBLE and we only make them once a year... on St. Joseph's Day). Then I'm not sure if there's a family dinner planned or not, but I'm sure I'll be doing all sorts of family stuffs tomorrow.

Then who knows whats in store for Sunday. I'll probably head back to OG and watch the L word. YAY!

And what's SUPER exciting is that after I get through work next week ... I have a four day weekend! Which means the week is totally going to blow... but then I have 4 days to relax with my family and Ar is coming to H-town. And I'm beyond excited about all of this.

And it's my birthday!

Look at me... I'm a DOT COM

It's true... I moved... I am not longer but instead I'm!

How exciting is that?!?!?!

Very... I know!

What else is exciting is that... it's 5:28 on Friday and I'm about to walk out the door for the weekend! It's THEE best part of the week. That second when you walk out of work... and know you don't have to be back until Monday morning. Because when I get in my car - I know the entire weekend is still ahead of me. I do love it so very much.

I'm not heading to Boston this weekend (It's sad... I know), but I'm going home to do some family things.

Anyway... time for me to go HOME!

And baby... thanks for I LOVE her :) It's the bestest ever. Miss you tons but I'll see you in 8 days.

And rew... thanks for all the stuffs ya did for me!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Watching the Camdens Over a Glass of Wine

So... I'm not too proud to admit that I enjoy 7th Heaven. Do I think its a good show? Not particularly. Do I think its written well, or the actors have all that much talent? No. But hell... that's not going to stop me from watching it!

So tonight I got home from work and watched last nights episode of the L Word. It was really just a filler week. All transitional stuff to set you up for more plot lines... nothing too exciting happened. And there was a really unpleasent sex scene with Bette and some chick she met at a bar. Other than that... it was good but not like all I'm on the edge of my seat and can't wait for next week... ya kno?

And then I was a bit upset that I didn't have anything to do for the next few hours until Jack Bauer came on at 9. I called Laura (Evans) and chatted with her for a while about the L Word and just other random stuff. Haven't talked to her in a while so it was nice to catch up. We got off the phone right around 8... when I heard the song as I was doing dishes....

7th Heaven, when I see their happy faces smilin' back at me.
7th Heaven, I know there's no greater feelin' than the love of family.
Where can you go when the world don't treat you right?
The answer is home; that's the one place that you'll find . . .
7th Heaven, mmmmm 7th Heaven7th Heaven

A great tune I know. I was looking in the fridge for something to have for dinner during the end of the song and saw a lovely bottle of white wine. And decided for dinner I was going to have some wine and eggo waffles. Ballanced... I know. And so I did. I sat on the couch like a bum in my PJs, watched the Camdens deal with life (and how realistically they deal... if only every family was as functional as the Camdens and everyone had Rev Cam to talk to when they were in trouble the world would be better place).

Then I had another glass of wine while I watched 24. Because good lord... that show requires it sometimes. Jack Bauer certainly didn't let me down tonight!!!

But... I'll have you all know that I packed a bag for the gym so I can go after work tomorrow. I made my breakfast AND lunch to bring to work. And I also have my outfit all out and ready for tomorrow.

Now I just need to get in bed and get a good nights sleep and I'll be all set for Tues.

Is it bad that I'm really enjoying this week with my roommate being away? It's nice - even if it means me and kitty are going to have WAY too much together time (she already scratched me all up with her claws... but its ok we bonded tonight).

-- Monday #2 without Tara on maternity leave down... only 11 more to go! --

Sunday, March 13, 2005

This time SHE was the one to buy shoes

So I neglected to write in my last post what Ar bought at the mall. I'll back up and first discuss walking into the mall. We had to park somewhat far away... and the parking lot wasn't plowed at all. So it was just all a nasty slushy mess. And some of the snow had started melting, but not really. So... one of the walkways was a HUGE puddle of water. I'd say it was at least 2 inches deep. We both had sneakers on. Yeah... our shoes were mini puddles. It was horrid! My feet had already been wet all day... but not like SOAKING. So now my toes were numb. So we walked into Filenes (which is some big dept store up here) and we got to the shoe dept and Ar saw that they had Chucks on sale. So she bought two pairs!! A kelly green pair (they're really fun) and a black pair with pink accents. So then she also bought a pack of socks... so we each could wear a pair of Chucks and have nice warm, dry socks! It was fantastic. Because I think I would have cried if I had to wear my nasty ass wet socks through the movie. Definately wouldn't have laughed nearly as loudly at good old Hitch if my little piggies were all wet and cold.

And now... Ar has two new pairs of Chucks! So really.. everyone wins!

Adventures of the Free Panty and cheese on the side...

I'm back!!!! Aren't you excited? Hahaha. But I'm not going to keep getting an extra 15 minutes on the computer here at the lovely Bedford library... because I even had to wait for a computer! This place is hoppin today! hahaha. I guess yesterday it was just empty due to the blizzard! haha.

But let's see. I had a lovely night last evening... Miss Arleigh and I had a fun date night! First we went to the mall. And as it turned out I had a coupn for a FREE PANTY - and yes i do hate the word panty... but will say it as often as necessary if I'm going to get one for free - at Vickeys. So we went there - and I aslo got suckered into buying a Body By Victoria bra as well. But good lord is it comfy. I'm wearing both the bra and panty right now. The whole experience in the store was pretty comical too. Because my sales woman was on crack and Ar was super overwhelmed (it was like me in a bike shop!!) But I got 5 bucks off the bra and in the end my boobs are happy (even if they are lop-sided) - and that's what really matters, right? hahah.

Then Ar and I walked around the mall a bit and had dinner at Johnny Rockets. I do enjoy that place. It was funny because we got the 1/2 french fries 1/2 onion rings and we asked for cheese on the side - figuring they would give us the cheese they use for cheese fries on the side. So the woman (ok girl because our waitress was like 15 tops) comes out and literally brings us a little plate of shredded cheddar cheese! hahaha. I guess that IS what they used for the cheese fries - they just melt that on the fries. So it was pretty funny. Then like 10 minutes later she came back with another little plate of MELTED cheddar cheese. Which was also sort of awkward. But we made do. And the freakin milk shakes there are AMAZING. Sooooo yummers.

Then we went to see Hitch. Holy shit was it funny. I don't know why I found it so funny but I was laughing so loud I had to laugh into Ar's jacket so as not to be obnoxious. I really don't know what came over me - because I rarely ever laugh like that. But ... what can I say? I like Will Smith. He's a Philly boy born and raised (on the playground is where he spent most of his days... chillin out maxin relaxin all cool and all shootin some b-ball outside of the school...... and yeah I think we all know the rest. And if you don't let me know and I can sing the rest of the Fresh Prince theme song for ya).

So we didn't end up getting home until about 12:30. Luckily it had stopped snowing by then and the roads weren't too bad. Though I was still a spaz in the car making Ar drive with both hands on the wheel. Haha. I'm funny. Then this morning we slept in!

And now here I am at the library with 34 minutes left on the computer...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Stage Fright in the Pisser

So.... I'm not proud of it... but I have a problem peeing in public bathrooms when others are in there. Now - this REALLY caused problems in college when for the first 2 years my dorm had a communal bathroom. I initially thought that I'd get used to it, and it would help cure me of my little problem... but no. It didn't. I did get a bit better peeing when there were others on the other side of that thin stall door... but never was a cured.

And now that I'm out of practice... it's horrible. Like I'll be sitting at my desk at work and be on the verge of peeing my pants (hott image, I know)... so then I'll go to the bathroom. And there's only 2 stalls. And if someone is in the other one I totally freeze up. I sit there and my thoughts start to race... I start thinking things like:

What's your problem? Just pee you freak!....
Oh god... now the person over there definately thinks I'm waiting for them to leave so I can take a shit....
Ok... calm down... stop thinking about it. There's no need to stress. Just relax and youll be fine...

But none of these ever work... so I sit there. Still having to pee... but not being able to... until whoever it is in the next stall leaves. And the SECOND I hear the door click shut.... the gates are open and I pee almost instantly. Now... is something wrong with me? Does anyone else encouter these public pisser problems??

And also... while we're on the subject of work restrooms... what REALLY drives me nuts is when someone comes in, looks under the stall door at my shoes and then says 'Jeannie, is that you? HI!' and then either starts talking about something they need me to do for them that's work related... or just starts shootin the shit (pun NOT intended... but entertaining nonetheless) and being all chatty in the stall next to me. Now really - I know I like to talk and can at times be a bit too talkative. But... I do not openly start conversations with someone who is already behind closed doors in the bathroom. It's one thing if you walk in together (though if someone else is walking in the bathroom at the same time I was going to... I usually just walk right by the bathroom and make like I was heading somewhere else due to the fact that I know I wont be able to get anything accomplished with someone else in there... but thats besides the point) ... but right, if you walk in together and are already mid conversation it's ok to continue talking once in stalls... but really to elicite conversation like that... is just wrong.

Wrapping things up... if you're a girl... and work with me... and I'm in the bathroom

a) I'm probably not taking a shit... just patiently waiting for you to leave so I can pee in peace
b) I don't really want to talk to you at that moment because I'm stressed enough about relieving my bladder.

-- my time has just been extended by another 15 minutes AGAIN --

The library is BEYOND generous today

Because everytime the little yellow thingy gets down to 5 minutes its keeps saying 'because there are still open computers we have automatically extended your time by 15 minutes'... so I'm still here!!! A half an hour after I should have left... here I sit. At computer #1 on the second floor of the Bedford library. It's all rather fantastic.

And I thought you'd all enjoy knowing that bit of information... as I mean really... why wouldn't you? Because you care SOOO much about every little happening of my life! hahaha.

--The End--

Mutant Snowflakes - by meteorologist Jeannie Waters

So the big yellow 'alert' box here at the Bedford Library is telling me I have 40 minutes left. Just as a heads up... this might be long... as I feel the need to use ALL 40 minutes.

So... it didn't snow at all last night. But it IS snowing today. And the flakes are enormous. Now, I've seen plenty of snow in my day - not tons - but I've been through enough 'blizzards' to be able to claim that I've seen snow. All kinds of snow. April snow. December snow. Snow in the Poconos. Snow in Jeresy. Snow in New York. Snow in H-town. Light snow. Heavy snow. Wintry mix snow... I've seen all kinds. But never have I ever (I feel like I need a drink in my hand to say those words) seen snow of this size. These flakes are gigundo! (yes I just made up that word). And I was always taught 'little flakes means big snow' and 'big flakes mean little snow'... but no no no... this stuff is sticking. And it's all nice and wet, heavy snow. Really... its lovely out.

So that's my weather update for today. The roads still aren't all that bad - but I'm a pussy when it comes to driving in bad weather so I'll be a freak all day. Oh well :)

-- 36 minutes and counting --

I don't have all that much else to say here... which is unfortunate as I still have over a half an hour of internet time. My hands are really dry and I'm wishing I had some sort of lotion in my oh so large 'mom' purse. But I don't. Which is sad, but I'll get over it.

My stomach just growled rather loudly... and I'm in the library. And I'm listening to my iPod, and I could still hear the growl perfectly. And the woman next to me just gave me the dirtiest look like 'holy shit what the hell is your deal? are you gonna feed that thing or not?' haha. Oh well. I'll go get something to eat when my 30 minutes are up lady... settle down.

And totally off the subject, I feel like I need to start wearing my black fleece pants to the library on days like this. Because thats what everyone here is wearing. Some type of fleecey, warmup pant. I have jeans on like the little Jersey girl that I am (yes - I just admited that I'm a Jersey girl - but only because I currently live there... not because I really am one). But yeah I feel all out of place with my jeans on because everyone else is wearing their comfies. So... perhaps next time I'll go for that. Oh, but I wont be here again until the second weekend in April and I'm hoping by then it's done snowing. Because I know it's Boston and everything, but really... the snow has to stop at some point, right? So I'm hoping when I come in April I'll be able to bring my bike and RIDE while Ar is at work. Wont THAT be nice. Because I have that daunting 150 miles ahead of me again. And at this point my body isnt even in shape to go 15 I bet. Because that nice free gym membership I got from work... hasn't been being put to good use the past month or so. Oops. heehee. But once it starts getting nice out I'll get back to being somewhat active.

Ok... 26 minutes left. I'm gonna go get some other stuff done before I get booted off the 'puter.

Happy weekend everyone!

Friday, March 11, 2005

I'm here... safe and sound

So I braved the 'snow' and decided to come to Boston tonight to visit miss Arleigh... and don't worry there wasnt a DROP of snow on the way. Not a flake in sight. It was a bit foggy... but other than that a delightful journey!

So I'll be here for the weekend... and back to Jersey Sunday night.

Now I'm gonna go play... since I'm here and all :)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

This ones for you Laura (Evans)

So.... I'm not sure how I feel about giving a 'shout out' as I did in my title... But until I really figure out who I feel about it... I guess I'll just be ok with this one. Because you see... I don't really think my blog is ALL that cool that people would really crave a shout out... but I guess it would be cool if you were reading it to see something about yourself in it? Assuming it was a good something and not me bitching about how much you piss me off or something along those lines. Cause that... I think... would suck. And probably get me in trouble. hahaha.

But regardless... I guess I can justify it by saying that Laur got her wisdom teeth taken out over the weekend and has been having a rough week and been in plenty of pain. So if this will make her feel better -- who am I to deny that? I'm all about my friends smiling and being happy.


In other news, I'm still at work. SHOCKING... I know. I'm planning on staying again until 7ish to get some stuff done so I don't totally shit my pants when I come in tomorrow and have a kajillion things to do. I have SIX logs to do tomorrow (3 for WJLK and 3 for WCHR) so thats somewhat scary.

And let's all say a prayer that the snow holds off from here to Boston tomorrow so I can make the drive up. Cause if not I won't get to see miss Arleigh for another 2 weeks. Which just isn't right. I'm sure the snow HERE won't be a problem. But I'm thinking the 80% chance of 'heavy' snow in Boston tomorrow night is what will be the problem. But we shall see!

Anyway... thats all for now. I'm gonna go put in some order, reconcile some logs, enter some continuity and get as much done as I possibly can before I absolutely have to go.

And in case you were wondering: I'm SO craving pizza....

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Just Call me Peter Gibbons....

So if you've seen Office Space -- you'll understand this... because I feel like Peter Gibbons right now. You know the scene where Peter (the main character) is trying to shut down his computer so he can sneak out before Lumberg finds him, stops him, and tells him he needs to work on the weekend? Yeah so he's all trying to shut down but his computer keeps backing up files and that little status bar is running across his screen? Well thats what I'm doing right now. Running a back up of Delta Flex (another fun thing I get to do while Tara is out with baby Jack)... and it takes FOREVER! And the little thing just keeps going... it starts all slow and then gets faster and faster... but still takes forever. I guess since I'm backing up 5 stations... who the heck knows? But that was my story...

I did get to the hospital today to visit Tara. She looks really good and baby is just ADORABLE! C-section babies really are cute. Because they're not all mishapen like the natural birthers are. Because you know heading down that 'birthing' canal really messes with the poor kid! Gets all squished and stuff. But little Jack is just adorable. Too f'in cute. Tara and Tom both looked exhausted... but happy. So that's good.

Anyway - it's 5:56. I'm gonna hang out here at work and get a few more things done. Hopefully to be home by 7ish. At which point I'll start doing laundry and maybe even clean my room!! But I doubt it. My bed just always looks way too tempting.

And don't worry... the files are STILL backing up. GOOD LORD! Too bad I don't have a cool friend named Michael Bolton or Samir Ni-een-nin-a-jahd (or something like that).

Happy humping! Tomorrow is already Thursday!

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Boston Creme donuts and a Yankee Candle

So last night I stayed late and got some stuff done and reorganized my desk. Cleaned up, made 'to do' folders. On for each day of the week so I can just file stuff away for when I'm going to do it intead of having millions of piles on my desk.

And I also brought in a candle today! Its a Yankee candle... Vanilla Cookie. It smells SO good. And it's making me really happy. So thats a good thing... and I'm getting a lot done today which is also good. Though I'm sure I'll be here late again.

John brought in REALLY good bakery donuts this morning too. I had a boston creme one... and man did it get my day started on the right foot. Made me at least not cringe when John later asked for 2 reports that I don't know how to run and had to call text support (I'm anxiously awaiting them to call me back)...

And that's about it for today.

I'll probably write more later... but I'm quite glad to hear that people approve of the blue. Now when you start to get sick of it or hate it... let me know so I can change it up again. Cause it amuses me :)

Monday, March 7, 2005

Little Jack Austin

So... I've gotten a few complaints about the pinky-purple color of my background. So... I changed it today. So I'm taking suggestions... do we like this? Don't we like it? Was the pink better? Should I just go to plain white??? Input please!

But... the main reason I changed it to blue today... IS BECAUSE TARA HAD HER BABY!!!! Friday was her last day of work and she was supposed to have 2 weeks off before the little bundle of joy came. And she had SO much stuff to get done... she was just banking on at least a few days to finish up getting ready for his arrival. But... apparently she went into labor on Saturday. Was in labor for a while and then finally last night they did a C-section. And he was born late last night. His name is Jack Austin (which I do like... though I like Austen better than Jack but thats ok) and he was just under 7 lbs. Mom and baby are both doing great.

So yay!!!! I'm all excited and happy cause TARA HAS A LITTLE BABY!!!!

So that's my story... and now I'm gonna go work :)

TONS to do. But Barbra is back so thats exciting! She's at Taras desk right now... it's great :)

Sunday, March 6, 2005

Shhhh... I'm at the library

So I theived Ar's library card... and am at the Bedford library using one of thier computers. The whole experience is somewhat wierd. Just because like I minimized a few screens... and now I can't find them. Like theyre gone... Done... They just vanished. Apparently there is no such thing as minimizing windows here at the library...Or I mean maybe I'm just slow and don't know how to work a computer that doesn't have windows on it. hahaha. But either way I get to kill an hour online which is GREAT fun! Yay library.

So let's see... I'll do a rundown of the weekend...

There was more traffic than usual. Which was annoying. But I still got here by like 10:30. I was so tired. It was crazy. I even SUCKED down a Diet Coke on the way and that didn't wake me up. I met Ar at her shop and fell asleep in the parking lot while I was waiting for her to get back from Barnes and Noble. But either way... then we went back to her apt... and I passed out. hahaha. I'm funny :)

Got up and drove Ar to work. Then went to Barnes and Noble -- my new Saturday hang out. I bought a new journal which I was SUPER excited about. And then I sat at their cafe... drank a green tea and journaled for about 2 hours (but not in the new journal... because I'm not quite done the old one yet). Then I got Ar and myself lunch at a cute little sandwhich place and we ate it at her shop.
Then I went to the foodstore and bought stuff for dinner because I decided I was going to be all domestic and make dinner. So I got stuff for cream of broc soup, tacos, corn muffins, choc chip cookies and as an added bonues I got wine and flowers. I then went back to her apt and promptly turned into Suzie homemaker. It was great. First I made the soup. (Which if I do say so myself came out VERY well... probably because I used the good full fat cheese and half and half instead of fat free milk hahaha). Then I made the choc chip cookies. And I didn't even burn them! Which is a miracle if you've ever baked with me. Then I started the prep for dinner. Set the table. Opened the wine. Cut up the tomatos. Browned the meat and measured everything out for the rice. Had the muffins all in the little muffin trays and everything. So all I had to do was finish everything up so dinner would be ready right as Ar was getting home. So she called me on her way home and I got all excited... and then she called me when she was getting off at her exit and was like I accidentally took Eric's wallet... I have to go back to the store to switch them. So.... I had to wait another hour! It was pretty funny though. So then I entertained myself and finished dinner when she got home. Everything came out really good. The corn muffins really made the meal. I do love them... and so easy to make! Just add water and an egg and voila!
We didn't do much after that. It was like 9:30 by the time we finished dinner and went to bed soon after. And in the middle of the night Ar decided that her bed was too small and uncomfortable so we moved to the floor... did I mention she has HARD WOOD FLOORS?? Yeah... I mean it was a lot better for my back because her bed kills it. But my boney ass hips were not lovin the hard wood floor. But either way... I did get plenty of sleep and that's what matters :)

Well... pretty much got up, ate a few choc chip cookies... drove with Ar to work. And now I'm pirating her time on the comp at the Bedford library. It's great! Her boss is off though, so I'll probably head back to the shop to play for a bit and she's done at 5 today. Then I have to drive back to Jersey. But it wont be TOO bad.

It's really wierd being on the library computer because there's a big countdown screen at the top that shows you how much time you have left. Ok... its not THAT big, but its yellow and never goes away. I have 34 minutes left... which is plenty of time. But I still feel like I need to rush and am all panicky simply because there IS a countdown. Does that make me a spaz? Because I know 34 minutes is MORE than enough time to finish this here post, but I just feel the need to panick because there is a limit. Does that make sense at ALL?

I forgot I have my iPod in my purse (or old lady bag as Ar and my mom like to call it... meanies), but I just whipped it out and am now listening to some Counting Crows. Because the silence at the library sometimes freaks me out. Like I get the urge to just say something REALLY loudly. It's like in college when we used to go to the library to 'study' for finals... and I would always want to talk. Because when I'm put in situations where I'm not allowed to talk.. that's all I want to do. But hey, thats just me.

And this seat is really low and the desk is really high... so I feel like I'm a toddler trying to reach the computer. Like I should go grab an Encyclopedia or phone book to sit on... that would be really nice.

But as you can see I clearly don't have all that much else to say. So I'm gonna get this bad boy posted.

There might be another pointless post coming in the next 31 minutes before I'm banned from the 'puter... who knows?!

Friday, March 4, 2005

Lists and other random happiness


Ok.. so from the big fat Hi with a bunch of !!s after it... you should already know that I'm in a good mood.

Cause a) I don't think I've ever started a blog with 'HI'
b) Though I know I use and abuse the exclamation point (!), but ya know... like 6 in a row is more excessive than normal
and c) the Subject is 'Lists and other random happiness'

So yeah... those are my thoughts. But regardless I'm in a fantastic mood! And I know you all are CRAVING a happy list... so I'll indulge you:

  • it's Friday
  • I'm DONE my work for the week - and it's only 5:09 (yeah I was an f'in machine all day ... it was hott!)
  • I'm off to Boston to see miss Arleigh in like half an hour
  • I just peed at work WHEN THERE WAS SOMEONE ELSE IN THE NEXT STALL (i have serious performance anxiety)
  • I made a CD with BURN by Usher on it... and good lord i LOVE that song
  • It's now 5:30

So it's time for me to go... but have a great weekend everyone! I'll be sure to report on Monday!

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Just a little quickie

I'm in a REALLY good mood today... and I have no idea why! Crazy I tell you.

But T's shower last night was a good time. And no worries... the cake was DELISH. hahahaha. We did get a little lost (ok a LOT lost) on the way there... which was just funny. And even funnier because once we actually got there I knew EXACTLY where I was hahahaha... so I don't know how we ended up getting lost... but it was an adventure. Then I got home around 9:30 and got directly in bed. It was fantastic. I was asleep by like 11ish.

Today I've gotten tons done at work and I'm going to try to get to the gym after work. But I do have laundry to do so we'll see how my night pans out. But my body would really love me if I made her sweat a little. So that's the plan.

Then tomorrow night packing for BOSTON!! yay :)

Anyway, thats the quickie for now. I'm sure I'll droan on about more uneventful things in my life later!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Happy March!

March brings TONS of fun things... like:
  • my bday
  • spring!!!!
  • Easter (this year)
  • the end of the snow (I hope)
  • it stays lighter longer
  • flowers bloom

It's all so great! I can't wait til the END of March so that all of this really starts happening. I hope this isn't one of those years where it's still snowing in April because that would totally blow. But either way... can you tell how ready for spring I am???

But for now.... It's still winter and it's freezing in this place! Jeepers creepers I've been shivering all day. It's just not right. But oh well, what are ya gonna do? Ask them to turn up the heat? Yeah.... we did, and they didn't. So oh well!

Today started out super good at work... then it just went downhill. I got all kinds of busy, Tara's stressing me out because her last day is Friday, and for some reason I cannot wake up today. Its crazy. But... its 4 and things have setteled down quite a bit. I got TONS done today which was GREAT!

Tonight is Tara's babyshower for work. Apparently the cake is going to be DELISH. Choc chip cookie dough ICE CREAM CAKE from Cold Stone. Wowzers... I'm excited about that!

I do have tons to do this week though... here's my to do list:
  • schedule an appointment to see Dr. Westewski (to get the large growth removed from my face)
  • deposit check at the bank
  • make CDs for trip to Boston this week
  • copy "Beantown #1" for Ar
  • get to the gym at least once
  • laundry
  • pay Credit Card Bill
  • pay phone bill
  • pay student loans
  • do Claire's recomendation for Quaker JVC
  • start a new book

Ok... that's all I can think of for right now. But I've got TONS to do, none of it is TOO bad though. Cept payin all the bills... and shhhh some of the things I've already done, but wanted to put them on my list anyway. Does that make me a freak? That I put them on the list so that I could check them off so I felt accomplished? I think it may... but who said being a freak is a bad thing?!

Ok.... it's now 4:20 - and no I'm not gonna go smoke some ganja (yeah thats right I called it ganja... cause that word makes me laugh. But really they all do, reefer, dope, ganja... it all cracks me up). But regardless... I'm going to go print my log. Then pay some of those bills. Then head out to T's shower. Then go home and RELAX!

... 3 more days til BOSTON!!!