Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I have a BREAKFAST sandwhich!!

So everyday Nancy (my savior while Tara is gone - she used to do traffic down at our other office but they moved her into mine to help out while Tara is gone)... but right, so every morning she makes a ham, egg and cheese sandwhich on an english muffin before she comes to work. Wraps it up in wax paper AND tin foil. And then heats it up when she gets to work and eats it. So naturally... it always smells HEAVENLY. And I'm always like ohh Nance that smells so good! Because... well... it does!

So today I came in and she goes 'Jeannie, we're gonna start today off right." And I said "ok Nance, I think thats a good idea!" And then she goes, "Well I woke up a little earlier than ususal today and I figured since I had the extra time, I'd make you a sandwhich too!" So now I'm eating my ham, egg and cheese on english muffin... and its phenomenal!!! So much better than the kashi I packed. hahaha.

And that's my story about the little things in life that mean SO much. Cause how cute is that?? I do love Nance. She's the bestest!!!

So I figure how bad of a day could it be? I'm startin it off with a homemade treat!!

1 comment:

Arleigh Jenkins said...

i'm glad you had a good day babe