Friday, July 7, 2006

Last "Official" Day

It's my last official day here at FUV. Granted I'll be working Sat, Sun and Monday -- but that's to train my replacement. So it's pretty much his gig from then on. And I'll just be overseeing things for a few days.... and then packing up and heading south.

Tonight we have a big event -- the 'FUV Boat. It's an FUV dance party on a boat cruise around Manhattan. It should be fun as the whole staff is going and it's a sold out event (and as its a benefit that means $$ for the station). There are glow necklaces, grass skirts, and even umbrella toothpicks for the drinks all ready.

I'm heading out in a few minutes to go help set up the boat. I probably won't be posting for a while until I get settled in Charlotte. But I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories once I get down there!

And I swear one of these days I'll upload all of the pictures from my vacation (all 146 of them).

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