Sunday, April 10, 2005

All the snow is gone!!

It's true... I'm in Boston... and... there's NO SNOW!!!

It's actually NICE out. Nice enough that I can wear flip flops... and yesterday I wore a short sleeved shirt! I love it! I just LOVE this weather! It's the best!!

I feel like this weekend FLEW by. Which sucks, but I've had lots of fun. Friday I got in around 10ish, Ar and I went to Barnes and Noble for a bit and then headed home. Yesterday I took Ar to work then went back to her apt and went back to bed for an hour. Then got up, showered, and headed to her shop. Then I rode the minute man trail which is right there at her shop. It was SO nice to ride again. But I'm definately not in riding mode... my ass hurts and I was riding so slow and basically it kicked my ass. But either way... I rode and thats the important part.

Then I went to the mall and got some really good deals. Which is always exciting :) And later Ar and I went out to dinner with people from her shop and another couple they all know. It was really fun... and the food was GOOD. I got some sort of pulled BBQ chicken sandwhich... holy crappers it was REALLY delish. I mean maybe I was just hungry because I hadnt eaten all that much ... but either way - it definately hit the spot :)

Then we took the T home which took forever but was a fun adventure and headed to bed. And now I'm just chillin at the Bedford library... and then I think I might ride again... even though I'm exhausted. Which I don't know why but I'm super tired. I'm hoping that if I ride that will wake me up. Or perhaps I'll just have to indulge in a DC :)

Ok... only 34 minutes left and counting.

Oh... and I'm at the same computer Ar was at when she posted the other day and said everything was set to Chinese or Japanese or something... and its REALLY bizarre. It keeps throwing me all off! hahaha.

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