Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Stupid Money

So moving is expensive. That's all there is to it.

Hopefully I'll be able to find someone to take over my apartment -- and pay the $900 security deposit -- so I'll get that money back. Because that will basically cover the new security deposit... and that will be good.

And I really do hate stressing about money... but that's just how I was raised. My mom is an accountant. I grew up learning to never miss a payment on ANY bill or else youll never be able to buy a house. Literally.... that's what I thought, ya know? So now I freak about things.

But I'll be ok... I do know that. I'll just have to seriously budget. Put a few bucks away every paycheck to try to rebuild SOME sort of savings. And eat pb&j everyday. hahaha. Well I won't really have to do that - just watch my spending. That's all...

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