Wednesday, February 2, 2005

sucking a cows udder

Whew.. ok the post went through... good to know!

Now I dont really have anything to say, but I just wanted to make sure that should I have the dying urge to post.. it would let me. Whew! I feel much better.

What I dont feel good about is the fact that yesterday when I went to buy milk they were out of skim.... so I was all, ok, I'll get 1%... and they were out of that too!!!! So now I'm having Total for dinner (with a nanner cut up in it... DELISH) and freakin its like the cereal is in ice cream this 2% milk is so thik!!! Can you tell I'm not big on milk? Does a body good whatever! Everytime I drink milk all I can think of is sucking a cows udder. And I know thats f'ed up of me and all and I probably have issues... but really... thats all I can think!!!!! I hope you have that thought now too the next time you take a sip of milk. Oh... unless it's chocolate milk - then I can gulp that shit down. hahaha

Kelly is at Kevins tonight again... so me and pyscho kitty are chillin. Though I did get my ass to the gym which was good. Now I'm gonna go pack my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow and fold my laundry.

Sounds like fun, eh?

And at 9er I'll talk to miss arleigh :)

OH.... and happy groundhogs day

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