Sunday, May 1, 2005

Everything is just falling into place....

So I'm officially done at Millennium Radio New Jersey. It's wierd. Really wierd. But nice all at the same time, so I guess that's good.

I was actually sad on Friday. Because even though I would have eventually gone totally insane had I continued to work there for much longer.... I did have some good times... and there were some super fun people there. Just too much freakin work for not even close to enough money... ya know?

Meredith is all trained... and I know she'll be fine after she gets into the swing of things. So that's good.

I'm up in Boston til Thursday or Friday. I haven't really decided when I'm going to head back to Jersey. I should probably go on Thursday so I can start to pack up my room. Eekads! Crazy!!! Oh! But roommate Kelly called this morning and told me the girl that looked at the apt yesterday is definately interested and wanted to drop her security deposit off today! So Kelly is going to call her back and hopefully get everything situated. She wants to move in May 15th.... so that would be sweet if she could pay half of Mays rent. I'd be super stoked.

Shell moved into our new place. So that's fun. I'm excited to move. Well I'm not all that excited about the actual moving part... but you know what I mean. I'm excited to have a new apartment and live with Shell and all that good stuff. And I'm SUPER excited to start at FUV. Hopefully it's as good as I remember....

It's rainy and gross here so I havent ridden at all, but hopefully the sun will come out soon enough.

I think I'm going to head to Starbucks now to read my book (the new Nicholas Sparks book... its good... I'm getting all wrapped up in it hahaha).

I'll check back later in the week I'm sure.

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