Friday, May 20, 2005

It's Friday...

Whew.... it's been a bit of a long week. I mean not all THAT long, but just the first full week I've worked in quite some time. But... I survived, and even got stuff done at home too, so that's always nice.

Last night Aunt Jan, Glo and Rere stopped by to see the apartment. So that was fun. Then Shell and I had dinner (marinated chicken in a whole wheat wrap, and brocolli) and then it was very tempting to just call it a night and get in my PJs. But I found the motivation somewhere to go to the gym. It was a short little trip -- just 25 minutes of cardio... but definately better than nothing. So that was happy!

Other than that, there isn't too much to report. I started reading my new book the other day (My Sisters Keeper at least i think thats what its called) and it's really good.... but super sad too. I mean its a book about a girl that has cancer and her sister who has to keep giving her sister blood and bone marrow and organs and shit. But -- its really well written and I'm quite enjoying it. Though I've only read like 50 pages hahaha.

Weekend Plans --

Gym, dinner, clean

Gym, visit with the H-town Girls, and who knows what else

Gym, maybe go to the Figs to do laundry and watch the season finale of the L Word that Glo Tivo-ed for me!!!

And SLEEP as much as possible :)

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